Happy Birthday to Me!

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Today I am 35 years old, and I feel okay about it.  This morning when I was struggling to find something fun and “birthday-like” in my wardrobe I did feel a bit matronly.  I didn't like any of my clothes, my hair isn't acting nice, I feel as though I look… well like a 35 year old mom.  But then I got dressed and my sister took me to Starbucks and we had a fun commute to work and now I am on a Webinar and being inundated with happy birthday messages on Facebook and in email and I feel so much better.

By the way, I am wearing my new black tank with ruffles on it from Ann Taylor with a black drapey cardigan from Ann Taylor from like a decade ago that I found on a shelf in my closet, my NYDJ jeans and a pair of pewter snakeskin pointy-toed pumps I bought on clearance from Nordstrom like a year ago but haven't had the situation or foot strength (I lost all my high-heel tolerance when pregnant) to rock.  Well I am rocking them today and they make me feel less like a dumpy 35-year old mom and more like me. 

So I indulged in a venti light java chip frappucinno which is helping me get through a very dry Web conference, and I look forward to seeing my husband and baby at 3:15 and an early release from work today.  Thinking sushi for dinner…

Life is pretty darn great!

A woman with curly hair wearing a plaid blazer holds a green fur coat over her shoulder on a city street.

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  1. Okay so I’m totally late but, I was going through your blogs and had to comment that January 28 is my birthday too! I’m a 33 year old mom of 4, so we are close in age! Gotta love the 30s! God bless you and your family and thank you for keeping up this blog. It is so helpful!

  2. Happy Birthday! I had no idea how old you were and never would have guessed that you were close to my age (I may be a bit older). You look beautiful and youthful! Hope you had a super fantastic birthday with your family.

  3. Happy Birthday!
    The “mom” birthdays are a little different aren’t they?! Nothing makes you feel old like a body that’s not the way it used to be!
    Thanks for sharing the good and bad with us all. It’s refreshing.

  4. Hope you are having a great day Allie! I have to tell you that I bought a new Muse dress from Nordstrom. I had never heard of that brand before reading your blogs. Anyway, it’s on sale now for 50 dollars and I love it! Thanks for the idea and happy birthday! Kathleen

  5. Happy Birthday Allie! I hope you are having a wonderful evening! Are you giving yourself a beauty birthday gift this year?

    P.S. Let’s see those shoes! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Happy Birthday Allie!
    I hope you find yourself again separate from the all consuming activity that is motherhood. Our bodies change, but we are still the same person inside.

    Our babies are worth the changes in my opinion, but I don’t think anything truly prepares us for the “before us, and the after us.”

    I hope the day is all you want it to be and your outfit sounds lovely.

  7. As a fellow 35 year old mom, I can relate to your struggle to feel cute and fun. Happy birthday! I get so much from reading your blog–I hope you know how much you have to offer your “public”.

  8. Happy Birthday! I’m going to be 35 this year as well. I hope you have a great day and that Mr. Allie makes you an amazing dinner tonight (or better yet, takes you out.)

  9. happy birthday! having passed into my 30s fairly recently but approaching the “middle years” quickly, i feel you! but we can still be fashionable and gorgeous– more so now that we have the years of experience and really know our true selves, right?? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. Happy Birthday. I’ve never communicated with you before but I am compelled to wish you the best on your 35th and to let you know it means a lot to me (and a lot of other readers I am sure) that you decided to write here again. I was saddened by your initial announcement. Enjoy this special day.

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