Good Morning…

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Picture 110Emerson and I are chillaxing this morning. She has been on a bit of a feeding frenzy – yesterday it seemed as though I constantly fed her from dawn to dusk. Well, not constant feeding, but constant fussiness between the feedings so there was no break. Somehow she realized we were a bit exhausted, and she decided to take a three-hour nap after the 8pm feeding and since then has been taking naps between eats. Whew! I got a few rounds of sleep and now I am letting my husband crash for a few hours. He decided to crash on the couch downstairs so Em & I are hanging out in the bedroom, which means I have time to hop on the Internet while she coos in her sleep next to me.

Camera is downstairs; must say these pictures are from last week but she doesn't look like this any more. She has gotten so much bigger, and now makes so many more awesome facial expressions – smirks and smiles and such. She has also grown into that nose more… she is all cheeks (good eater!).

Tomorrow is my 34th birthday. It's funny, usually I would be considering drinks with the girls, sushi or some cool restaurant with the husband, my annual gift to myself (usually from Sephora). This year… my best friend Shelly said we could go for pedicures (close enough to home that we could dash between feedings), and on the actual day I plan to go to Target.

I know, TARGET? But do keep in mind that I have been in the house with Emerson for almost three weeks, only leaving for the pediatrician or my own doctor appointment. Spent a week prior in the hospital, and before that I was on bedrest for like a month – again only leaving the house for hospital appointments. Through all this my house has been renovated and I am in desperate need of certain things like shower curtain rods, bath mats, trash cans, deodorant and razor blades. I look forward to wandering through the aisles, getting what I need and checking out what's new. Maybe I'll even get a decaf latte from Starbucks on the way home!

My mom is coming over that night with dinner – her fabulous mac and cheese and spinach (since I am on a spinach kick) and dessert. My dad used to always get me a Boston cream pie for my birthday. Well I asked her to get me one. He passed away in '98 and I think I have only had that dessert once since. Often I see my dad in Emerson's face, especially when she yawns or looks concerned. It would be nice to start up that tradition again.

As for my present to myself, I can't think of any material item I really want or need right now that is pampering and indulgent. I know… not too much fun especially for this type of blog. But really, life is pretty good and I want for nothing. Once I head back to work, I may be craving some new clothes or a fab lip gloss but right now I have what I need to be happy.

For those who asked, I will be going back to work full time; since my husband works for himself (photographer and yoga instructor) and makes his own schedules, he will be staying home with Emerson. My mom will watch her if he has any shoots that are during the day, but he plans to try to keep classes and shoots to evenings and weekends.

I know my birth story was scary to many who have yet to have children. Do know it's less than three weeks after the fact and I am feeling pretty good and for over a week have been pain meds free. I won't go into details, but I can tell I am healing well and progressing nicely. I would do it all over again in an instant for the end result that is squirming and cooing on the bed next to me. ๐Ÿ™‚

A woman with curly hair wearing a plaid blazer holds a green fur coat over her shoulder on a city street.

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  1. I was moved to tears reading your account of Emerson’s birth. Be in no doubt, YOU WERE BRAVE!!!! I had done all the classes but was still really scared when I had my first baby, but was much more in control with my second. I had a cup of tea and a slice of cake for afternoon tea at 2.30pm and he was born at 5pm. Both babies had days when they seemed to want to feed all day, and then the next day they seemed to be more interested in sleep. They’re both grown up now, 33 and 28!

  2. It’s not that the story was scary, it’s that perhaps your current and future professional colleagues might not be interested in your pooping issues.

  3. happy birthday! funny b/c my first official outing after birth was to Target too- and it felt sooooo strange to be there. I remember feeling so out of sorts and not into a groove at all. She is just gorgeous!!!!!!!

  4. Happy birthday! (Long time reader, first time commenter.) I love seeing pictures of Emerson, I don’t know you but am so happy for you. FYI, the 2-3 week fussy/feeding all the time thing happened w/both my girls too. You seem like you are rolling with it much better than I did! Hope you get some good sleep time on your day, keep taking good care of yourself, it helps everybody out in the end.

  5. Happy birthday!

    And I totally hear ya about how fast babies change. Sometimes my husband comes home from work and says, “Em changed since I left this morning.”

  6. Happy birthday today! And oh such an ADORABLE baby! Too cute. ๐Ÿ™‚ I can only imagine how she’ll look once she’s a bit bigger and dressed in her stylish duds.

  7. Happy Birthday, Allie Girl! I emailed you the other day but finally jotted myself a note to check out ze blogg while online at the library and ZOMG is she gorgeous or what? have fun at target and definitely get a decaf latte–my best xmas prez was a basket of crack, I mean, Starbucks, and I am now completely addicted to the French Roast, in fact often sneaking off just to stick my snoot in the bag and inhale, sooo deeply, hehehe!
    Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to yooooou, and many many more.

  8. Happy Birthday Allie! Of course having the best present of all at home with you makes everything else pale in comparison. Life changes in so many unexpected ways after having children. I think making some birthday traditions is a wonderful idea.

    I for one enjoyed your brutally honest post about Emerson’s birth. I think it’s important for women to be more honest with each other about the childbirth process. I know that I didn’t have a clue and not having many female friends or close relatives made it so hard. I think the most important take way from your experience is that you have to be flexible. Having a birth plan and doing your research is very important. Knowing all the options – even ones you don’t ever plan on actually following through with, is just as important. You just never know….


  9. Happy Birthday for tomorrow.
    Your posts are taking me back.
    I have four children between 8 and 18.
    Your blog is reminding me of those exciting early days.
    My baby is off on his first school holiday tomorrow. I will miss him so much.

  10. It depends on the company. The Family Medical Leave Act allows up to 12 weeks unpaid but there’s no way we can handle that. My job permits 6 weeks of short term disability related maternity leave which is at reduced pay. I am taking that, and may use a day or two of vacation, and my job is allowing me to slowly transition back into the office with some work from home.

  11. Happy 34th birthday for tomorrow! I hope you have a lovely day and your Target adventure is all that it should be ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Emerson seems like a pretty good achievement for a 34 year old…. she is looking very cute.

    Reassured to hear that you are on the mend too. x Gervy

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