He’s a Keeper!

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We met December 27, 1992. We were seniors in high school.
He proposed the day before Thanksgiving, 2002 .
We married June 5, 2004.
Four years of marriage and I still get butterflies!


My whole office smells like roses, I love it! ๐Ÿ™‚
A woman with curly hair wearing a plaid blazer holds a green fur coat over her shoulder on a city street.

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  1. I have finally inserted this date into my palm so that next year I don’t have to wish you a happy anniversary….the day afterwards!

    Love the Flowers….Kudos to the Mr.

    XXOO Ms. Mayo

  2. How sweet! DH and I just celebrated our 8th anniversary on May 27th and our “first date” anniversary is coming up. 10 years on June 19th. Hubbies are kinda like our kids, you can’t imagine what you did with your time before you had them.

  3. that’s great–I have to admit that I do think roses are great!!! but I am glad that he has your address in case of Ground Zero type disaster as well!!! hehehe

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