Why I Don’t Feature More Budget-Friendly Fashion

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At the beginning of each year, I create a goal for Wardrobe Oxygen, based on your feedback from the previous year. This year I decided to offer more affordable fashion. While my affiliate sales show that the majority of the audience is comfortable with the retailers and pricepoints I share, several of you complained that the offerings were just too expensive. I feel fashion should be accessible for all so I decided to take this challenge and show fabulous fashion from a broader range of retailers, while still sticking to quality, style, and inclusive sizing.

I was surprised by how incredibly difficult it has been to achieve this goal.  It really forced me to dig in, see why some retailers are a cheaper price than others, research quality at each price point, place orders with brands I've never tried before, and learn some surprising things.

ellos on wardrobe oxygen

Wearing Ellos on the blog: faux fur coat | shirtdress | jumpsuit | pantsuit

Why I Don't Feature More Budget-Friendly Fashion

It Sells Out Too Fast

One of the best things about bargain shopping is the hunt. That item at Nordstrom Rack that seems to be mislabeled itโ€™s such a score. That item on the clearance rack, only one left. Even at big discount retailers, they usually focus on more styles than more pieces per style. Thatโ€™s great for an individual, not great for a blogger who caters to thousands. I order the piece, it arrives, I steam it, possibly tailor it, shoot it, it goes live anywhere from two days to two weeks after receiving, and very often by that point itโ€™s either sold out or size selection is meager.  There's nothing more frustrating as a blog reader to see a fabulous outfit on someone and find out it's sold out. 

Alternative: What I have been doing is incorporating into my outfit posts the why.  Why I bought it, why the piece is good, ways to style it in multiple ways.  To show it's not about that specific item, but the silhouette, the color, the cut, the trend.  This way, you are armed with information to go shopping at a store that best fits your body, your personal style, and your wallet.

Universal Standard on a size 14 petite woman

I regularly feature the brand Universal Standard for a variety of reasons.  They offer size 00-40 and some styles in petite, they keep styles for a long time so I can wear and re-wear the pieces without them being out of stock, their quality is consistent and excellent for the price point, their pieces aren't too trendy and are good for the office as well as the weekend, they have a good shipping and return policy, but most of all – it's one of the best selling brands I feature on Wardrobe Oxygen.

Quality of Product and Manufacturing

This year I made over a dozen orders from lower-priced retailers.  Some I knew and shopped before, some you recommended, some I saw featured on other influencers.  Few were successful.  A lot of times I found the quality subpar.  Jackets that really needed lining or a heavier fabric to hang properly and look polished enough for the office, pants with one leg tighter than the other, cuts that are more Junior than Misses.  They were things I just didn't feel good styling and promoting.  I refuse, no matter the retailer or the price, to feature anything on Wardrobe Oxygen I wouldn't regularly wear. Whether it's $20 or $200, if it's junk it's not deserving of your time or hard-earned money.

Another problem is the manufacturing process of many budget-friendly retailers.  Unfair and downright inhumane treatment of workers, dangerous working conditions, forced labor, child labor, and more. While brands of all price points are guilty of it, I find it more prevalent and blatant with low-priced brands.  There are certain retailers I never feature on Wardrobe Oxygen for this very reason.  Unfortunately, there aren't enough ethical brands out there that have a range of price points and sizes to rule out all sketchy manufacturers, but I do strive to not feature the biggest offenders.

Alternative: I'm trying harder to feature pieces that can be worn multiple ways, showing you can have big style with a small closet.  While a dress may cost twice as much, if it can be worn three times as often to different occasions, the cost per wear is better and therefore a better purchase.  I also share details about trends so you can find them at your local thrift store or even sew them yourself.

wardrobe oxygen wearing kohls

Wearing Kohl's on the blog: black jumpsuit | black dress | black jumpsuit | burgundy dress and denim jacket

Itโ€™s Time-Consuming

I won't go into detail, but I usually find it more difficult to work with budget-friendly brands from a blogger/business perspective.  I hear from employees and PR companies that many of these retailers have spent so many years resting on their brick and mortar and/or catalog laurels, they don't always understand the value of partnering with influencers.  There is far more back and forth, approvals from Legal, and low rates for high expectations.  I can spend 40 hours communicating with a brand and still not get approved for their affiliate program or receive a single piece of clothing for review.

Alternative: I am showcasing more variety of price points in the carousels of similar items within each blog post.  I am also offering more of these carousels, breaking it down by size range, price range, and showing the prices so you know better what you're clicking on.  I am also perusing more budget-friendly fashion websites when creating advice posts so I can incorporate pieces from there not only in the carousels but the collages.

Wardrobe Oxygen in Dress Barn

Wearing Dress Barn: red jumpsuit post | polka dot jumpsuit post | dress on Instagram

The Biggest Reason: You Donโ€™t Buy It

Last winter and this spring I showcased Dress Barn. I picked great pieces, the photos were amazing, the clothes were both low-priced and well-made. Great comments saying the clothes were cute, it would be perfect for you, yadda yadda. Do you know how many Dress Barn sales Iโ€™ve made in the past year? Four.  In multiple posts over the years I have featured fashion from Kohl's.  I don't know if I've even made a dozen sales at Kohl's over that time.  I did a partnership with Ellos and featured their clothes several times; I made five sales in total.

denim prices

In this blog post, I featured several styles of jeans at a variety of price points.  The best selling pair from the post?  The $95 pair with the $90 in second place and the $78 in third.

In my carousels, I share budget-friendly brands. I show the pricing โ€“ hereโ€™s a pair of jeans for $98, hereโ€™s a pair for $115, hereโ€™s a pair for $65, hereโ€™s some for $40. Do you know what price point sells the best? The $98 with $65 a close second. 

I am currently collecting data on plus-size shopping through this survey (I encourage you to share your thoughts in it!).  So far I have over 200 entries.  One of the questions is how much you would be willing to pair for a great pair of jeans – less than $50, less than $100, less than $150, less than $200, or I'll pay more than $200 if they're truly great.  Over 50% have answered less than $100 with less than $150 the second-place answer. This is a small percentage of my audience that has answered, but it's a peek into the shopping habits of fellow Wardrobe Oxygen readers.

Based on comments on the blog and social and your emails, I believe many of you who shop budget do your shopping in person. I respect that; budget shopping really requires you to try items on, feel the fabric, ensure the quality and gives you a chance to scour sale racks and find gems in places like TJ Maxx and Nordstrom Rack.  I get it, but I can't pay my bills with your in-store purchases.

Alternative: I will continue to find budget-friendly alternatives and feature them in carousels within blog posts.  I will also continue to provide sale alerts in my Weekend Reads for retailers of all price points. However, I won't be spending as much time trying to pitch to budget-friendly retailers to partner with me because there is no return on investment for either parties.

My goal is to make Wardrobe Oxygen a useful resource for women, regardless of budget.  I have slacked in the past with this, focusing on retailers I know and am comfortable with.  This 2019 goal hasn't been achieved, but it has forced me to step outside my comfort zone, try new retailers, and make a concerted effort to offer tools in every post that will provide value regardless of how much is in your wallet.  The ultimate goal is to have you realize you can achieve big style with a small closet.  You don't need to buy so much, and sometimes purchases aren't made based off need.  I hope that with Wardrobe Oxygen I can help everyone be a more informed and thoughtful shopper!

A woman with curly hair wearing a plaid blazer holds a green fur coat over her shoulder on a city street.

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  1. This post and all the goodness in it is the epitome of why your blog is successful and has the readership it does. I know – and it’s clear I’m not alone – that if you recommend anything, whether a shoe, a dress, a cream, a vacation spot, anything – you will have researched it, understand what it might mean to your readers, and are up front and transparent about all of it. Any one item or practice might not suit my life as much as it does yours, but because of your transparency, I can put it through my own filters and figure that out for myself. Thank you, Alison, for sharing and working as hard as you do for your audience and the brands with whom you partner.

  2. At this point in my life, I rarely NEED to buy a piece of clothing (exception being special occasions). I own plenty of clothes; perhaps too many. I therefore appreciate tips on high quality pieces because those are the pieces that should be entering my home. I’m not immune to a graphic tee from everyone’s favorite bullseye, but there’s no reason I need to rely on them. Thanks for highlighting quality regardless of cost, although I realize I’m in a place of privilege to type the above. Also: I am down with consignment. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I’m really glad you posted this. Until I saw your recent posts about how you make money (I’m new around here and to fashion blogs in general), I’ve had absolutely no idea how any of this worked, and that includes affiliate links. I assumed I had to buy that exact item for it to count.

    I am a very slow shopper — I’ll come back to a site multiple times over a period of days or even weeks to read reviews and weigh my options before finishing a purchase. This means that even if I originally clicked through, which I may not have, it’s no longer active by the time I decide. I’ll start being mindful of this so people I want to support can benefit from my purchases.

  4. I definitely AM a bargain shopper and I 100% agree that that means I do most of my shopping in person. For just the reasons you said – you have to really be more discriminating about your purchases and really watch quality if you’re trying to get things cheap.

    I don’t begrudge your affiliate links to higher end items one little bit. If those are what you want to wear and they are selling for you, then of course you should use those! I still find the style guidance useful even without being able to buy those specific pieces and people who do buy them are helping to subsidize me getting that guidance for free. Win win!

  5. Thanks for this post Alison. I love when you share your thinking and the behind-the-scenes mechanics of blogging and clothing industry. You are such a great writer of narrative non-fiction Alison.

    It’s been nice to see a wider variety of pricepoints but I see how it doesn’t really move the needle for your business. More than that, it very useful and informative to me when you go into detail on the features of a certain piece, as it is applicable both to that piece and others I might encounter. Thanks!

  6. Great post. It’s nice to see candor about the economics of blogging. It gives us reference.
    It makes sense to me that your average purchase was not the least expensive option. The more expensive options are the one where I”m interstested in a recommendation.

  7. So … hereโ€™s the thing. My style is not anything like yours. Iโ€™m almost 63, work in a conservative profession, prefer neutrals and classic silhouettes. I donโ€™t wear what you wear. I do truly enjoy fashion, though! But I -love- your authenticity, your โ€œvoice,โ€ your โ€œreal.โ€ If you wrote a book, I would buy it. You have a lot to offer me re: ideas, accessories, colors. Iโ€™m not a budget fashion shopper, though I love a bargain as much as the next person. I get that this is your job. I will try to purchase through your links (makeup? Accessories?). I will recommend you to friends. I hope thatโ€™s enough! Stay true to yourself. Inauthenticity in this space is glaringly apparent. Also, continue to educate on quality and ethical issues … these are important to our collective and planet.

  8. Alison, I appreciate your honest and educational blog. Thank you for providing this service for us out here. The more I read your blog, the more I like what I read and I like you. Thank you for being unselfish, without any hidden agendas and for being innovative enough to share the education of dressing well to the public.

    1. Itโ€™s great to see your thought process. As a 46 year old professional wo,an Iโ€™m looking for wardrobe workhorses and ethical and sustainable practices. Iโ€™ve learned from you to consider cost-per -wear and I think Iโ€™m making better purchases than when I used to shop for the bargain and the impulse buy. Keep up what youโ€™re doing!

  9. Another great post! Frankly, one of my pet peeves, for ALL the fashion/style blogs I follow, is the complaining about pricing of the featured items. I find it to be a form of shaming. I imagine someone feeling so offended, aggrieved, jealous and unhappy that they must spread that around by “reminding” fashion bloggers that they can’t afford their well researched and thoroughly reviewed choices. In other words, they decide not to appreciate the style tips and expertise of the blogger, but to complain about not being able to afford that ONE item. And further, they give the bloggers the assignment of finding something exactly the same at a much lower price point.

    I’m echoing what others have said, but you don’t have to buy that exact item! The expertise about styling the item has been given to you FOR FREE. Be grateful. Appreciate the work.

    Along those lines, for those of us that don’t often shop your links, have you thought about a subscriber’s fee? It could be optional. I know I would support you in that way and be happy to do it!

    Rock on Alison! I actually want you to write a book, run for office, get your own TV series…the opportunities are endless.

    1. I agree with you 100% Nicole. While I appreciate the legwork and research Alison does, I take the information she presents and tailor it to my needs. Alison does not tell us what we have to do, she makes well-researched recommendations. It’s up to us to use the tools she provides to shop the stores in our budget range and make them work for us.

      1. Thanks Gwendolyn! I don’t mean to be too cranky, but I see so many bloggers working hard to go through the jungle of women’s fashion to provide us with a trail to follow for a better wardrobe. They each have a distinctive style and advice. I get something from all of them and don’t expect ANY of them to be my personal shopper. It’s kind if they answer specific questions, but not required.

    2. I don’t know, the whole subscriber fee or patreon feels weird to me right now and I don’t want to have to make anything subscription only because that’s exclusionary. I thank you for this suggestion, I’ll have to think about this. But to be honest, visiting the site makes me money from ad sales, you don’t need to use my affiliate links to keep the site afloat. Tell your friends, share articles on social, that’s the best payment I can receive!

      1. Thanks! And I visit every post and try to engage on Insta. Most of my friends hate shopping or thinking about clothes! Weirdos. ๐Ÿ˜‰

        Will boost what I can!

  10. This was fascinating! I would say my approach to shopping lines up with your approach, and I am willing to pay for quality brands like Universal Standard. I do think that most of us know that many retailers have astounding sales at the end of season, which is why I was able to get four pairs of Petite Plus perfect crops from Talbots for under $20.00 each recently. Plus shipping, but more than worth it. I’ve also gotten some great tops from Chico’s recently at very good prices. All of this fits in well with my subtropical smart or business casual world. So for the most part, we don’t strictly have to pay a great deal for reasonable quality.

    I love your style and I think most of your readers love it, too!

  11. I think that for those of us that are unique in size-petite and curvy, etc…we may have a tendency to shop at the same store(s) all the time, because we know how that brand fits us!
    When I was younger (and slimmer) I shopped at different stores. Now I what quality clothes that will fit properly and last multiple seasons.

    1. Oh I agree, I am the same and I catch myself only featuring those brands. The blog is a good reminder to step outside my comfort zone and know that not everyone is shaped like me! LOL

  12. Big style in a small closet (love that!) means buying quality to me. I’ve found that quality does not always mean the most expensive…but often means cheap goods do not offer much quality. Thrifting designer lines can offer nearly a one of a kind addtions to the well planned closet. Your review of cost vs quality is something we see in our industy more in the last 5 years than ever before. We urge our clients to curate their homes and wait for the right pieces and time to invest. On the flip side…if something that is less of an investment makes us happy…go for it and own it! Good post.

  13. One of the things I like most about your blog is your authenticity. To me, when you try to alter your shopping and posting habits to cater to reader requests, you lose some of that. In general, you aren’t an Old Navy shopper. And that’s great. For someone who is, there are bloggers who do that, and if it’s what I wanted, I’d read those blogs, just as if what I want is $2000 blazers, I’d follow those blogs.

    Unfortunately, you can’t be all things to all people. And it seems most of your readers are mid-price people–not $35 jeans and not $1800 blouses. And I suspect the reason for that is that over the years, the people who have found you and stuck around did so because your style and price points were similar to theirs. It’s not a coincidence. It’s people sticking around for a good match.

    When you deviate from “you” , and when you do it in a way that is motivated by clicks and sales and widening your audience, you water down your brand. I think if you happen into an inexpensive item that you would truly buy and wear even if you didn’t have a blog, then it’s wonderful. But to be honest, when you talk about making choices about what you wear based on the effect it will have for your audience, it makes me a bit uneasy because it sounds inauthentic. Perhaps I’m naive, but I tend to believe most of what you wear are things you’d wear off the blog, and if you didn’t even have a blog. That’s what makes your voice so refreshing, and what keeps me coming back. That and the fact that what you wear is close to what I’d wear and buy.

    TLDR: Keep focusing on buying and wearing the things that *you* naturally buy and wear. That’s what your core readers want, what we love about you, and what keeps us coming back. Your blog may not be a good fit for those on a super tight budget, just as it’s probably not a great fit for 12 year old girls or for label-seekers with unlimited budgets. That’s okay, because there are other voices for those people. Stick with what you do best!

    1. The main reason I’d go cheaper is to find the same concept for less. And I just can’t achieve it, I tried. I love a score and I will share it when I find it, but I won’t be changing the kind of content to appeal to a larger audience. I just can get so into my bubble – living in a metro area with a certain income and lifestyle that I forget that the majority of this country does not have a similar situation and I want to be cognizant of and sensitive to that. But yeah, not going to change me, my style, or this blog as that would defeat the point (and the fun) of it all!

  14. This makes all the sense in the world. Lower priced fashion doesn’t have consistent quality or fit for me, so I always, always buy anything like that in person on the rare occasions that I do. I’m a fan of fewer and higher quality pieces as I age.

    As an aside, I did buy the white no stain Chicos jeans when you wrote about them. They’re amazing. I got campfire schmutz on one leg and it BRUSHED OFF. I could not have been more shocked. Not sure how they’re treated (chemically), but what a breakthrough for white jeans.

  15. Your blog is my favorite! I love your honesty and style. But Iโ€™m not a big online shopper. However, Iโ€™m trying to remember, when ordering on line to get to the site through one of your links like when I got some Old Navy jeans, feed my Nordstrom shoe habit or even buy random things on Amazon. What happens if we return items – do you get dinged?
    Thanks for all you do!

  16. Hi Allison, I appreciate your honesty. I am a loyal reader of the blog but only occasionally make a purchase through the links. Most recently it was the Soma Bra sale (TYVM! I have such a hard time finding bras and those are perfect! Will be getting more!)

    I do read mostly for inspiration and silhouette/fit advice. I have been trying to reduce my textile waste and wear items in my closet for longer. When I do purchase, I tend to buy from Poshmark or ThredUP because I feel those items are โ€œgreenerโ€ than buying new. I can also get quality items for less than in a store. I also re-sell unworn items in my closet on Poshmark to give them a few more wears.

    I also do a lot of thrift shopping, so if you are ever in Raleigh, hit me up and Iโ€™ll take you to my best places.

    The only time I have been disappointed by the price of an item you showed was last year. It was a Chicoโ€™s partnership and you wore a red cashmere sweater with red leather or faux leather leggings. I have similar leggings but wanted the sweater so much, but if I recall, it was almost $300? I was secretly hoping my mom would buy it and pass it on for looking to โ€œyoungโ€ but no such luck (Any given season, my mom owns 3/4 of Chicoโ€™s look book!) Still holding out hope I might stumble across the sweater….

  17. your transparency and honesty is always SO refreshing. i love your blog for many reasons, but one of the top reasons has to be how hard you work to give your readers what they want, all the research you do and time you put in to find size-inclusive, well-fitting, high quality pieces of all price points. you inspire me with your style, your personal views, your candor, and your genuine communication with us readers. thank you!!!

  18. Thanks for this, Alison. You are leading the way for the rest of the blogging community! I’ve only recently monetised my blog, and am proceeding cautiously with only affiliate links. Partly because I’ve built up my readership in the five years I’ve not been monetised. And I don’t want the money thing to change what I want to do on my blog, which is mostly story-telling/ personal narrative. But then again, it’s not my main income, so the extra money is just, well, extra.
    Bravo for calling a spade a spade with respect to quality and price-point.

  19. Your blog is fabulous, keep up the great work. I believe some people are so short sighted they have to have the exact outfit they see. They don’t realize, jeans are jeans. Buy what fits you well. Put the budget last. Get clothes that will last a long time (great quality over multiple cheap pairs that don’t fit well and don’t make you look great). Use other pieces with them o change your look. Make an outfit that looks similar to what you are offering in the blog. It doesn’t have to be exactly the same. I like to put a $14.00 plain tee shirt with a $98 pair of jeans, a scarf, jewelry, cool shoes and a cool looking bag to complete the look. Great quality soft cotton tee shirts that shrink very little (if any) from Roaman’s, (sizes from 12 to 30 something). They also have good quality stretchy yoga pants I live in at home.

  20. I agree that the bargain stuff will be more likely bought in B&M and thus not be reflected in your affiliate metrics. I remember that Dress Barn post and it did encourage me to go to my local store – but of course you have no way of knowing that or getting a cut of my purchases. Same with Kohls, Target, etc. (I will buy online from Target, but only if it’s something not available at any of my local stores).

    Anyway, thanks for the interesting post; I appreciate getting to read the behind-the-scenes stuff.

  21. Just another comment- your blog totally made sense to me – I live in Canada – not sure how many of your readers are outside the USA. I’ve made many purchases, particularly on Amazon due to your recommendations, so I click first on your link- but always buy from the Canadian retailer to avoid humongous duty/import fees!! Beauty purchases (Colleen Rothschild cream), exfoliator, face oil (can’t remember the name…) , workout wear, shoes, the best underwear ever……(Hanes product featured on your blog, wearing them now), mascara…. bought it all, but I knew you weren’t getting the credit you deserved, sadly.

    Shipping is too prohibitive from US retailers and Canadian retailers don’t offer as much in terms of good shipping/return policies as the US. Nor do they carry as much in extended sizing/plus sizes- I wanted the pair of the awesome black Banana Republic (I think?) dressy shorts you featured- sizes over 18 not available here, only in the US! I need a 20!

    Keep up the great blog!!!

    1. Wow, this amount of transparency is great! To continue with the transparency, I am tall and not plus size, so kinda your physical opposite, but I love your blog because of your style, commitment to ethics, and authenticity – so keep doing you and what makes sense for your business!

  22. I think the other poster who said most of us are already shopping at Target, Kohls, etc. was correct, so we may neglect to go through your links.

    I think it also points to the fact that many of us, me included, turn to blogs for education purposes. I can tell you that I am not familiar with many of the companies you suggest, so I’ve tried them out. Also, as I get older, I want higher quality items that support my body. The more budget-friendly places, or perhaps the more obvious choices, sometimes fail to meet that demand. I’ve tried out higher priced items on your blog to find a new favorite that works better, a pleasant surprise.

  23. This is all fascinating. I’m always grateful for your thoughtfulness and perspective. I’ve been trying to make sure I use your links for purchases more now that you’ve explained how it all works!
    You definitely turned me on to Universal Standard. Their skinny jeans are fab. Those tie-waist pants did not look nearly as good on me as you (so went back), but I got their gray turtleneck, and I foresee wearing it every other day for the next six months.

  24. I prefer shopping in person rather than online, whether itโ€™s Target, Kohls, or Nordstrom. Even so, I would have never clicked thru to check out Dress Barn as you featured two jumpsuits. While you love to rock a jumpsuit ( and look good doing so), I would never wear one.

    Iโ€™ve also found that I donโ€™t click thru to look at the full blog posts if the lead photo and title donโ€™t appeal to me. Thatโ€™s true of all blogs I read, not just yours.

  25. I have no idea how blogging for money works, hahaha, so this may be way off, but for me, I’m wondering if the lower cost brands result in less sales for you because since they are already on a lot of people’s radars, we are going to those websites to shop ANYWAY, and don’t necessarily only get the idea to shop during a post? Does that even make sense? Like, I get emails from Kohls all the time, and while I’m perusing the website, I might look at your blog on another tab, and then go back to the tab I was already looking at for Kohls without necessarily clicking on your links. Hahaha, even if this makes sense and/or is accurate, it really doesn’t change anything you said, just maybe some insight??? LOVED the plus-size shopping survey and can’t wait to read the results!!!!

    1. That is a good point. If they don’t click on my link last, I don’t get the sale. I can see how many people clicked on those sales and they rarely get clicked on unless they are in a carousel. I know Macy’s, Target, and Kohl’s in general don’t convert well for me because they are such a unique shopping experience on top of being popular in-person retailers. Thank you for this!

  26. LOVE THIS! Thank you as always for your candor. I find myself unwilling to buy most fash fashion because of quality and labor issues. I like seeing items worn several ways, and in different seasons, because that’s how I live my life.

  27. Allie, I very much appreciate the range of price points you include. The higher end pieces you show are very welcome since I want to invest in great quality for clothing that I intend/need to get tailored. I do not wish to spend time shopping in stores that don’t carry my sizes so it is difficult for me to gauge the quality. This is where I value your expert guidance and reviews. Trendy pieces that I want to enjoy for a few seasons will be the less expensive options you show.

    I once went to NYC to shop in person for a large number of petite pieces only to be told I had to go to the midtown locations to find some but still not all the pieces I wanted to try on. That is the day I became an online shopper even though I live in a metropolitan area. I factor in lots of extra time to shop online and allow for tailoring. After wearing an ill fitting “deal” for too many years, my goal is clothing that I feel confident wearing since it fits me well.

  28. Everything you’ve said here makes sense. I think you’re doing an excellent job and your blog is a go-to for me when I have style questions. This reminds me, as someone who finds a lot of value in your work, to be more intentional about using your links whenever possible. Thanks!

  29. FWIW, Allie, I think you did a pretty great job with featuring budget-friendly alternatives this year. Certainly, I never would have thought to try American Eagle without your posts. I think the slightly higher-end brands being the ones that get click-through purchases makes sense, though, given what I presume to be the demographics of your audience. As a big-time used clothes aficionado, I’d love to see you post more about thrifting/other used options, but I get that not being helpful for your revenue, so I don’t blame you for not focusing on it.

    1. It may be where I live, but I hardly ever have success thrifting. I think we have a lot of pickers in the area, because things are seriously picked over, larger sizes are extremely hard to find and when I do they’re so worn or dated they’re not worth buying, and like you said, it’s not really appropriate for my business. I do use Poshmark from time to time when looking for a specific item, but I don’t use it a lot (though I do sell quite a lot on it!). Thank you for your feedback, American Eagle was a pleasant surprise for me and I continue to feature them in carousels and sale alerts because they do have great denim for all ages at amazing prices!

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