
Tuesday: Stripe and Dot

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polka dot scarf
stella dot emerson bracelet
size 12 fashion blog2
mother daughter shoes
mommy fashion blogger5

Dress: Gap
Scarf: Ann Taylor (similar)
Shoes: Halogen (similar)
Bracelets: c/o Kristin Biggs Stella and Dot, c/o Soft Surroundings, JewelMint, Lauren Ralph Lauren
Bag: Sabina (similar)
Lipstick: Revlon Just Bitten Balm Stain in Crush Begun

Folks, it was downright chilly this morning. I almost wore a pair of boots with this ensemble but I just couldn't do it yet. But fall is surely here, and this seems to be the Early Fall uniform for much of DC. While walking to the office, I passed over a dozen women in variations of my ensemble – a knit dress, flats, and a scarf looped around their throat while sipping coffee (and I bet a bunch of those Starbucks cups held Pumpkin Spice lattes).

And can we just talk about the awesomeness that is Emerson's shoes?ย  I am a cheap mom – I know her clothes will get beat up, stained, washed a kazillion times and not fit in six months because she grows so fast.ย  Her wardrobe is mainly knit separates bought on clearance, collected from a community baby stuff swap or consignment (or her extremely generous relatives).ย  Shoes usually come from eBay, but when I got a 30% coupon code for Gap I decided to splurge.ย  I just knew she would love them and it's true… she hardly wanted to take them off for bed last night!ย  Hey there Gap, ever thought of making an adult-sized version?ย  I know I'd buy them!

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A woman with curly hair wearing a plaid blazer holds a green fur coat over her shoulder on a city street.

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      1. It was crazy! I sheltered during the storm at a friend’s house, and I’d been out all day, so I was wearing full-on summer clothes. When I left my friend’s house I was freezing!

  1. I am the same about my son’s clothes too. I tend to buy them on clearance and a size or 2 up so that they are in season when he grows into them. My little man is very rough with his shoes, I bought him some Sketchers and they were done within a month. I have to stick to Stride Rites for him – so worth the money.

    I think I want a pair of your daughter’s shoes too…too cute!


  2. tuk regularly does cats on their ladies’ shoes (ex: http://www.tukshoes.com/store/product/categoryid/89/productid/961) and i think a recent modcloth offering, the “up your alley cat flat,” (http://www.modcloth.com/shop/shoes-flats/up-your-alley-cat-flat) was a less-punk collaboration with them. not the same shiny kitties as on your daughter’s toes, but reasonably close, for what’s available right now. =)

    you both look so stinkin’ cute!

  3. I am totally copying that outfit for tomorrow. Slightly different color palette and, sadly, no leopard print flats, but it’s sitting in my closet ready to go. Great idea.

  4. I had on the black version of that dress from the Gap from last year on yesterday with a cropped black blazer, neon statement necklace and hot pink studded shoes. I couldn’t believe I kept the blazer on all day, I was chilly! And I would totally wear Emerson’s shoes in my size! Too cute.

  5. OMG, I was gonna ask where you got those shoes for her because my 4-yo daughter would LOVE them. So glad you shared the source! You are both too cute!

  6. Emerson’s shoes are so adorable! I’m sure she loves them; I know I would.

    And I love your look. That dress looks so comfortable but not sloppy; those are the best dresses.

  7. Yup, it was cold here in England today- jeans, cotton cardigan and a big floral scarf I bought back from our recent trip to Poland. I can see why scarves are so very popular here as they do provide that extra bit of warmth and interest to an outfit.

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