E’s 3rd Birthday

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Sunday our daughter turned three, and we had a party for her. We invited family, like-family, and then because it is her third birthday we had three of her closest friends also attend. She's at an age where she has favorite friends, and even a best friend so she was excited to have them come play at her house.

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My sister always makes the birthday cake but this year she was getting over the same cold my household (and my mom) have dealt with this holiday, so she bought our daughter a Cinderella cake. I don't know where she got it, but E is on a huge princess and fairy kick right now and LOVED the cake!

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There were 10 kids there under the age of 6, so the energy level (and audio) was quite high. When E opened her presents, I sat on the floor with her and the kids all circled around me so close I felt as though I was being taken over. Don't get between a bunch of toddlers and a Dora talking backpack!

E wore a printed ponte dress from Gap (she has the raincoat in the same print), another present from her Aunt Debbie.  I knew I would be on the floor with kids, so I decided to wear my long Hawaiian muumuu with my turquoise beaded J. Crew necklace.   The day was relatively warm, warm enough that the kids spent a lot of time in their coats running around like crazy in the back yard.  It was a fun time, and always wonderful to be able to celebrate my favorite little person with the people we love so much!

A woman with curly hair wearing a plaid blazer holds a green fur coat over her shoulder on a city street.

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  1. Happy (very) belated!!  Has it been 3-years already?   Time flies.  Sweet little princess she is (those cheeks) ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Happy (very) belated!!ย  Has it been 3-years already? ย  Time flies.ย  Sweet little princess she is (those cheeks) ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. You obviously always dressed well, but with your weight loss, you are smokin’. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hope you had a great bday with your little one

  4. Emerson gets cuter every time I see her! Her little chubby cheeks are adorable! And I love your hair straight, with bangs! Perfect on you!

  5. Happy birthday little E! I hope the three’s are as exciting and amazing as the two’s. Also, Alie, in that pic with you and E blowing out her candles, your look like Parker Posey!

  6. Sending belated birthday wishes to Emerson. Sounds like she had a fabulous time.  Also, I love WW. It’s the best thing that ever happened to me and you look great btw.

  7. Happy belated Birthday, Emerson! She looked like she was having the time of her life. lolol @ you being taken over by the kids. They sure do love seeing their mates open their presents.  Talk about transformation, wow! I may have to hop on this Weight Watchers program. 

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