My Wardrobe Today – Wednesday Jul 13, 2011

Oxford – Lands End Canvas
Skirt – Calvin Klein (similar)
Scarf (as cummerbund) – H&M (no longer available – similar)
Shoes – Payless
Bag – Banana Republic “Sandhurst Hobo” (no longer available – similar)
Watch – Orient
Thread bracelets – Treasure Tower
Silver cuff
Don't you hate those folks who tell you on Thursday, “Today's my Friday”? Yeah me too. Well today is my Thursday, hate me all you want! This weekend is the annual Girls Getaway Weekend where my mom, sister, Emerson and I head to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. I couldn't be more excited. Not really sure exactly why but I have been feeling very tense and stressed. I have this feeling in my stomach as though I am going to say or do the wrong thing, accidentally hurt someone or end up in a sobbing mess in a bathroom stall over nothing important. Please tell me I am not the only one who gets this way when life gets too hectic… but I am looking forward to a weekend away from computers and with some of my favorite people on the planet.
Now if I can just get myself together before we leave… tomorrow after work I am going to the Swapaholics Sip & Swap and I know I won't get home until late and then we are leaving bright and early on Friday. Between now and then I need to do laundry, pack for me and Emerson, write my article for (and some other goodies such as a giveaway that is coming down the pike!), tie up loose ends at work and hit CVS or Target for some last-minute vaca essentials. However, it's all so worth it because the Sip & Swap is going to be a blast (let me know if you're going!) and I know the beach is JUST what the doctor ordered (speaking of which, been watching past episodes of the new Doctor Who and I think I'm getting a bit addicted…).
Thanks Vanessa! One of the only H&M purchases I have made that I loved
after a year! Wish I bought more than one!
I really like how you tied the scarf. It adds so much depth and interest to the outfit.
Thanks Lisa. Reminds me of a few years ago where work was stressing me out to no end, I had a lot of social engagements going on, family, you name it and I had a tire blow out on 95 as I was dashing home with no time to spare to dash to another event. I just lost it. And then I thought… things happen for a reason, this happened because I wasn’t going to slow down unless life made me slow down. So while I sat on the side of the highway waiting for my husband (because AAA said 2+ hrs & he could get there in 1) I cried, I breathed, I looked at traffic, and I slowed down. ๐ Glad you’re feeling better!
Allie, I’ve been feeling just the way you described. I’m in the middle of trying to sell my house, closing on the new house next week, moving the week after, and starting a whole new career next month. My stress is over the moon. Just today I felt like I could burst into tears at the slightest provocation. Then I was driving home from work and got a flat tire. I was on the side of the interstate at rush hour, 90 degree heat, and it took AAA an hour and a half to arrive. I just sat in my (very hot) car and sobbed. Eventually the tire got changed and I made it home. I think it really helped to have a good cry. Hang in there! We all have these moments. Lisa
That’s true. I’m not much into trends myself but I do have a few friendship bracelets I have worn recently! I guess I don’t want to grow up!
Oh I want to go to a Sip and Swap, that sounds like so much girly fun. And so does your fab weekend coming up. Love your chic outfit!
Nothing wrong with the trend and some bloggers like Blair at Atlantic Pacific rock it (though she has been doing it before it became a blogger trend). I just don’t like doing trends because they are hot, but because they are right for me personally. And for this, I think it fits me… though without the friendship bracelets (too old to revisit that trend!)
*Blushing…I’m an absolute beginner when it comes to blogging so thanks! I’m very flattered! I think the arm party works and it’s the trend too, isn’t?
Aha! Yep, the scarves I tried were quite small. I’ll hunt down a big one and try again. Thanks so much!
oh my goodness! I totally envy you this weekend! A girls getaway, today’s your Thursday, AND a swap meet up?!? Seriously, that sounds like so much fun!!!!!! I hope you have a great weekend! ๐
Notes She Wrote
This is such a cute look. Very Crisp. Love it!
Thank you, I like wearing it but fear it looks too “arm party” and that’s not what I’m trying to get across. Love the trend of the many bracelets, bringing a lot of oldies but goodies to the front of the bracelet drawer (oh yes, I have a bracelet drawer, I am scary with my accessories!).
Off to check out your blog!
Looking good as usual Allie! I love when you pile on the bracelets! It looks so effortless and cool!
The summer is so sad when it comes to new TV, gotta love OnDemand, though don’t know what we’ll do when we’re caught up on Doctor Who!
I love the idea of numbering thoughts, thank you!
It’s weird how I go in phases like this… cycles of the moon? Cycles of my female body? Who knows!
Thanks Indy, and thanks for sharing your story and letting me know I am not crazy. Hang in there mamacita! ๐
This scarf is super long, like it could be a tablecloth. So I have it wide, and wear it a bit above my natural waist, and by folding on the oblong, I have the wide part in front, the thinner parts cross in back and tie in front again. This sort of almost makes a bit of a corset, with the soft parts going against my mama pooch and ribcage above. I got another scarf not as big and the result was really unflattering. I think it’s the size and the lightweight fabric that make it a perfect combo. ๐
I have a question about the scarf-as-cumberbund – it’s so cute and flattering on you, but when I do it I feel like it just calls attention to my “wubbly” (ya know, the post-baby belly), and makes me look like a block. Is there a trick to how you wear it? Or does it just now work on some body types (I believe I’m apple-ish)?
Have a wonderful trip! I think a vacation is exactly what those anxious feelings need… enjoy!!!
I will be there, and I hope to get the chance to say hi!
Long-time follower here. Thanks for mentioning the swap on your FB page. My friend and I are so excited! I’ll introduce myself. ๐ – Kara
(1) we were just at Bethany last week with hubbys family — would have been great to meet up with you out there! get some relaxation — and some fabulous outlet shopping! ๐
(2) i also get very flustered when things start getting busy. when one thing creates stress, everything suffers! rest assured that most likely, no one else senses it from you.
(3) wish i could go to the sip-n-swap, but i just cant seem to get my *ish* together to clean out my closet (see above — one thing in life has gotten stressful, so everything else suffers!)
(4) Dr Who is *awesome* my hubby got me addicted, and now its one of my favorite shows!
(5) numbering my thoughts somehow seems to keep my calm and organized when i have a lot of thoughts to share. im a nerd. ๐
Your chambray shirt outfits are so good that it made me buy the cheap one from Target to try :). Allie you are not alone with your feelings when life gets hectic and/or chaotic. Living with in-laws and in a marriage that has seen better days and with a toddler my life is in a constant chaos nowadays and feel the way you do on many days. Not only do I feel but they have turned into reality too. I an waiting for my break! My mom is half way around the world so connecting with her is mostly via phone but is still comforting.
Have a great time with your mom and sister and the baby.
I love this, the chambray with the black pencil skirt and the scarf as a belt – so pretty and fun!
I hope you have a fantastic time! And for what it’s worth, I usually feel that way at work, like I’m going to say or do the wrong thing. I walk on eggshells a lot!
Come take a look inside A Working Mom’s Closet
Today’s my Thursday, too! Going out of town to visit a friend this weekend. The swap looks like a blast–can’t wait to hear about it!
How fun! I haven’t been to Vegas before, sounds as though it will be a blast! Have fun with your family!
Thanks Alyson!
Merci! (and thank you for Google Translate!) ๐
Yay! Today is my Thursday, too! I’m flying out to Vegas tomorrow evening for a sisters trip with my two sisters. None of us have been to Vegas before, so we’re looking forward to it.
All about the chambray-esque oxford these days; love how you dressed it up for work!
J’adore votre look et en particulier le foulard noué à la taille.
P’tite Madame (