Fashion Undressed: NYFW Trends Redux and Reinvented

It’s Fashion Week season; New York kicks it off. A week in the Big Apple, and show after show, row after row, model after model. There’s hair, there’s makeup. There are lines wrapped around the corner, eager – but pretending to be bored with it all – faces jostling for a position close enough to… Continue Reading Fashion Undressed: NYFW Trends Redux and Reinvented

casual capsule wardrobe woman over 40

Casual Capsule Wardrobe for a Woman over 40

Can you help a fashion impaired over-40 woman? Do you have any suggestions for a black and navy wardrobe in a very casual work place setting (think: jeans are the norm)? I also like to accent with chartreuse and maybe some plum items…I’m at a bit of a loss as to how to approach this.… Continue Reading Casual Capsule Wardrobe for a Woman over 40

A Life, Replotted: Dressing the Part

A Life, Replotted: Dressing the Part

I used to have a closet full of dresses. Expensive dresses. I justified the investment (doesn’t that sound better than splurge?) because not only were they appropriate professionally, but one dress required little thought in the morning, whereas a two-piece suit also required a blouse option, and three wardrobe components were two too many for… Continue Reading A Life, Replotted: Dressing the Part

It’s Nordstrom Clearance Time: Best Apparel Sale Picks

Nordstrom has some of the GREATEST sales, and they’re pretty picky with the brands they offer so you know you can get some great pieces at great prices. They’re having a clearance on selected items through February 22nd, there’s so many amazing deals I couldn’t fit them all in one post. Today I’m sharing my… Continue Reading It’s Nordstrom Clearance Time: Best Apparel Sale Picks