Inside Our Home: New Bedroom Lamps

Vintage Mid Century Modern Bedroom Lamps

Almost a decade ago I complimented Karl’s Grandma on her living room lamps; I never thought she’d remember and gift me with them. Since that compliment, Karl’s grandparents moved from their home to an assisted living facility. Last year Grandpa passed away and Grandma moved into a smaller apartment. This year Grandma has had some… Continue Reading Vintage Mid Century Modern Bedroom Lamps

One-armed Beauty: Hair and Makeup When Wearing a Cast

One-armed Beauty: Hair and Makeup When Wearing a Cast

I must say, navigating life without my dominant arm has been an adventure! They say that mastering your non-dominant hand benefits your brain. It’s fun when I notice my left hand and arm getting stronger (carrying a stack of plates from the dining table), more flexible (I can now scrub, shave and deodorize my left… Continue Reading One-armed Beauty: Hair and Makeup When Wearing a Cast

Ask Allie: When is it Time to Wear Makeup?
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Ask Allie: When is it Time to Wear Makeup?

When should one wear makeup? I’m not looking for an “it’s your prerogative, no woman needs to wear makeup” answer, I want an honest answer from someone in the professional arena. I have great skin, teeth, and get my brows groomed, but the only time I wear makeup is when I am in a friend’s… Continue Reading Ask Allie: When is it Time to Wear Makeup?