True Fashionista: Interview with Stephanie Hoff Clayton

True Fashionista: Interview with Stephanie Hoff Clayton

Sometimes you come across a blog that has a style completely different from your own but still you find it incredibly inspiring. So inspiring, you think of it often, and though you don’t wish to replicate her style, it affects how you shop, and how you think about clothing. That’s how I feel about Stephanie… Continue Reading True Fashionista: Interview with Stephanie Hoff Clayton

Friday: Three is a Magic Number

Friday: Three is a Magic Number

Sweater: Belonged to my Mom Tank: Ann Taylor Jeans: Gap Scarf: Collection XIIX (on sale!) Shoes: Ivanka Trump Bracelet: “Emerson” c/o Kristin Biggs, Stella and Dot Bag: Vintage Revival c/o Fossil Lipstick: Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain in Crush Begun I love pattern mixing, but it’s usually just two prints. Wednesday, my mom gave… Continue Reading Friday: Three is a Magic Number

Music Festival Recap: Virgin Mobile FreeFest
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Music Festival Recap: Virgin Mobile FreeFest

Each year I clear my calendar for when Virgin Mobile FreeFest tickets are available. It’s a mad scramble using my SmartPhone, multiple browsers, and Facebook but I usually score at least a pair. And each year, something comes up where I end up not going. This year I didn’t score tickets… but I actually attended!… Continue Reading Music Festival Recap: Virgin Mobile FreeFest

Stacy London’s The Truth About Style Book and Tour

Stacy London’s The Truth About Style Book and Tour

Thursday night I had the pleasure of seeing Stacy London speak at Sixth and I Historic Synagogue in DC. Her book, The Truth About Style came out this past Tuesday and after seeing the book trailer I knew I had to be at the speaking engagement. I met Stacy London a few months ago when… Continue Reading Stacy London’s The Truth About Style Book and Tour

True Fashionista: Interview with Catie Nienaber

True Fashionista: Interview with Catie Nienaber

Today’s True Fashionista is Catie Nienaber – blogger, writer, business owner, and lover of vintage fashion.  When I thought of the True Fashionista series, I knew I had to include her.  I have seen her personal style develop over the years, and knew others would find it as inspiring as I do. Catie is another… Continue Reading True Fashionista: Interview with Catie Nienaber