creative minimalism work friendly capsule wardrobe by alison gary of wardrobe oxygen

Work Friendly Capsule Wardrobe for the Creative Minimalist

Any creative puts their personality into their work. A signature falsetto, the use of a certain color, or media, or flower. I consider making capsule wardrobes a creative act, and my capsule wardrobes are known for color, use of makeup, and jewelry for additional versatility, and almost always contain a Breton stripe top. But not… Continue Reading Work Friendly Capsule Wardrobe for the Creative Minimalist

Best Wireless Bras for Large Busts

The Best Wireless Bras for Large Busts

I often write about bras because as a large-busted woman over 40, I find the process of shopping for bras progressively more complicated the older I get. When I was younger, most any brand that came in my size got the job done. But as I have experienced weight fluctuation, nursing a child, fitness and… Continue Reading The Best Wireless Bras for Large Busts

how to style an ugly christmas sweater by wardrobe oxygen

How to Style an Ugly Christmas Sweater

There is no better time of year than the holidays to have fun with fashion. Battery-operated tree light necklaces? Rock them. Beaded and bedazzled theme earrings? I own them, and I support wearing them. And ugly Christmas sweaters? They’ve been popular for decades, they’re a lot of fun, and I love styling ugly Christmas sweaters… Continue Reading How to Style an Ugly Christmas Sweater