M.M.LaFleur Travel-Friendly Capsule Wardrobe

M.M.LaFleur Travel-Friendly Capsule Wardrobe

I’ve struggled with M.M.LaFleur fitting my short, curvy body in the past when shopping online; I decided to visit one of their showrooms to try in person to see if I would have more success. Going in person gave me a whole new perspective, and everything I was trying worked together like a travel-friendly capsule… Continue Reading M.M.LaFleur Travel-Friendly Capsule Wardrobe

Universal Standard Stretch Linen Review

Universal Standard Stretch Linen Review

Last summer, Universal Standard launched their stretch linen collection and I was lucky enough to be gifted several pieces to showcase and review for you. I shared a positive review because I truly felt the fabric and quality was great. But the styles weren’t really me. I gifted the pants, shorts, and tunic to another.… Continue Reading Universal Standard Stretch Linen Review

Support Roe vs. Wade in Style: 14 T-Shirts and Accessories that Give Back to Reproductive Justice

Support Roe vs. Wade in Style: 14 T-Shirts and Accessories that Give Back to Reproductive Justice

Looking for a stylish t-shirt or accessory this season? How about one that also supports a person’s right to choose how to handle their body and life? While the best way is to donate directly to an abortion fund (this link will take you to an Act Blue site where your donation will be spread… Continue Reading Support Roe vs. Wade in Style: 14 T-Shirts and Accessories that Give Back to Reproductive Justice

This is the Year of Linen: 40+ Best Picks for All Sizes

This is the Year of Linen: 40+ Best Picks for All Sizes

If you have shied away from linen in the past because of the wrinkle factor, this is the year to let it go. My friend, you survived a freaking PANDEMIC. Even though society is brushing it under the rug, such an experience changes us. And I hope it changed you into realizing comfort is chic.… Continue Reading This is the Year of Linen: 40+ Best Picks for All Sizes