Baby Announcements

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I just received the proof for our cool baby announcements and just HAD to share with you guys!

This is the picture I sent in…

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And this is the announcement…

emerson poster noname

How utterly cool is that? I love how the baby announcement looks like a concert poster. The announcements are from Rattle-N-Roll; each order comes with two 11×14″ posters of this announcement. Rattle-N-Roll creates unique and custom announcements. Communication and service with this company has been awesome and I cannot wait to send these to all our loved ones!

In other news, I go back to work on Thursday and I am not looking forward to it. Well, in some ways I am. I miss my coworkers a lot, I miss the camaraderie, and I miss the brain stimulation and the daily challenge. However I will miss Emerson even more. I was emailing with my supervisor and he joked about how I will spend half of Thursday balled up in a corner sobbing, and then most of Friday (which I will be working from home) latched onto Emerson feeling guilt for abandoning her the day prior. My husband is also nervous about having the “food provider” being gone all day, though I have already started a milk stash in the freezer and plan to pump at work.

Emerson went to the pediatrician this week for her one-month appointment. She's a big baby – 90th percentile for head circumference and length (she is 22 1/2″); 97th percentile for weight (11 lbs., 4 oz.). Today our neighbor came over to see the baby. She recently moved from China and is still becoming comfortable with the language. She looked at Emerson and said, “she got tall from your husband and she got fat from you!” The doctor says Emerson isn't fat, she is just proportionally larger than most babies at this age. I think she is utterly adorable. Oh, for those into the baby fashion, you may like this onesie…

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And yes, she had matching black Trumpette socksir?t=whaevewomneei 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B000Y96MSQ with that onesie! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Too bad the onesie is Newborn size, it barely fits her any more. She has outgrown almost all of her newborn diapers and all of the newborn diaper covers. We put a Newborn sleeper on her the other day and it fit like a unitard. I swear, she grows so fast we can practically see it right before our eyes. She is also gaining so many skills – she is doing far more eye contact, more responsive facial expressions (and I swear it's not all gas, she does smile!), and she has realized that she has a tongue (likes to play with it and stick it out) and a voice (she makes all sorts of squeals and sounds). She sleeps 3-4 hours at a time and at night she USUALLY passes out immediately after feedings (of course last night she was fussy much of the time), and as you can see by her size we have both learned the fine art of breast feeding.

Fashion has been tough. The body is so… saggy in the middle. My maternity pants don't fit, yet normal clothing is binding. I am still living in the ponte maternity pants from Old Navy, but they are starting to look dumpy and too large. I have a pair of Gap's Long & Lean jeans in maternity version and they are okay but not great. Yesterday I wore the black jersey dress from Boob Maternity that I sported most of my pregnancy. The surplice neckline makes it good for breast feeding, and the cut doesn't look super maternity. I am too small for an XL top, but a L top is too tight in the bust. Size 16 pants look a bit dumpy, but 14 can't fit over my thighs. I just ordered some basics from Lands End and hope something works. I have a few new knits from Old Navy, but due to them being too large (XL), they are better for being at home instead of going to work. I fear I will be living in my blackberry cashmere sweater, those old ponte pants and the one black maternity dress for WEEKS. Oh well, I have my six week appointment next Friday; if they say I am healed I will be starting up yoga two times a week and that along with walking should hopefully tone me up a tiny bit so I can actually fit in “real” pants again (don't care about the size, just need some clothes that fit).

Hope everyone has a lovely Valentine's Day on Saturday!!!

A woman with curly hair wearing a plaid blazer holds a green fur coat over her shoulder on a city street.

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  1. Love the picture of E.

    My neice was born 10 weeks early on Jan 26th and I picked up the same onesie for her. She will hopefully get out of the NICU next week and when she does my brother has already said that she is coming out of the hospital in “her little black dress” aka the onesie!!!

    So cute…thanks for sharing and best wishes for going back to work.

  2. That announcement is amazing… the wonders of modern technology.

    Hope your return to work is not too traumatic…

    PS: There’s a little award for you on my blog. x

  3. The announcements are super rad!!

    Going back to work is hard, but it’s be so nice that she’ll get to be home with her Daddy! She’s a lucky girl.

    And I LOVE babies with rolls. And chubby cheeks! Little chubby baby thighs are pretty much the sweetest things EVER.

  4. Allie! Good luck back at work! I’m glad you will be working at home too. You have a really great attitude about all this. Good for you not going nuts shedding weight. Just try and stay on track and be healthy and things will fall into place with your sweet little family.

  5. She is so incredibly beautiful. And those announcements are the coolest I’ve seen! Thanks for thinking to share them with us! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Those birth annoucements are the coolest things I ever saw. I hope all goes well for the first day at work. I am sure you will be on the the phone every five minutes checking up on her.

  7. I love the announcements….so original and fun! My mom bought my husband and I the black onesie when she saw it, thinking it was perfect for us, and I think hoping to kick us into baby gear! Emerson is adorable!

  8. Thank you for sharing your beautiful baby with us. I love your blog. The first day back at work is hard and it never really gets easier but at least you are able to work at home some.

    Good Luck.

  9. I feel so sorry for you – returning to work within a month of the birth. I’m in Australia and we have 12 weeks paid maternity leave (14 in some organisations) and most women take that at half pay for a minimum of 6 months.
    Best of luck to you.

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