Universal Standard Mystery Box: It’s Back!

Universal Standard Mystery Box: It’s Back!

Last February, Universal Standard had the coolest promotion called Mystery Boxes.  Starting at $50, you’d buy a box of a certain number of pieces of clothing, share some details about your size, personal style, and current wardrobe and Universal Standard would curate a box of fashion for you that was worth way more than the… Continue Reading Universal Standard Mystery Box: It’s Back!

Colorful Size Inclusive Work Capsule Wardrobe
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Colorful Size Inclusive Work Capsule Wardrobe

  A reader reached out to me asking about how to incorporate color into a capsule wardrobe for work, and to find work fashion that is modern and vibrant in a size 16.  “Hi Allie, I hope you can help me. I recently got a new job and I’m switching from a super casual office… Continue Reading Colorful Size Inclusive Work Capsule Wardrobe

I’m in the cabi Spring 2020 Campaign!

I’m in the cabi Spring 2020 Campaign!

Being a full-time blogger can be an overwhelming job. I don’t have the security of a big company sending me paychecks, taking care of taxes and insurance, and retirement. I don’t get paid time off for vacations and when I am sick, and I really miss that big fancy copier that scanned and collated. But… Continue Reading I’m in the cabi Spring 2020 Campaign!