Universal Standard Foundation Mystery Box Review
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Universal Standard Foundation Mystery Box Review

Have you heard about the Universal Standard Foundation Mystery Box? This weekend only, Universal Standard is offering this cool offer – starting at $50 you pick your choice of mystery box in your size. The box will include one piece from their Foundation line with two other pieces.  You don’t get to pick the pieces… Continue Reading Universal Standard Foundation Mystery Box Review

What I wore on a winter weekend getaway - a look from my capsule wardrobe
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Capsule Wardrobe for a Winter Weekend Getaway

Earlier this month, Karl took me away for a weekend to celebrate my birthday. He planned the trip, letting me know where we were going but we didn’t have a really planned itinerary. He also invited our friends to join us. Knowing him and the location, I felt there would be activity – hiking, walks,… Continue Reading Capsule Wardrobe for a Winter Weekend Getaway

A review of the Bavarian Inn in Shepherdstown, West Virginia by Alison Gary of Wardrobe Oxygen

Weekend Getaway at The Bavarian Inn West Virginia

Two weekends ago, my husband and I went to The Bavarian Inn in Shepherdstown, West Virginia for a romantic getaway. I’m usually the travel planner; my husband doesn’t use social media and tries to stay off the internet as much as possible. However, he wanted to surprise me for my birthday, did research, and picked… Continue Reading Weekend Getaway at The Bavarian Inn West Virginia