last minute gift guide

Last Minute Gifts Guaranteed to Arrive Before Christmas Eve

Oh no, you completely forgot that Secret Santa gift, a little something for your brother’s new girlfriend, or you and your friends agreed to not give gifts but half of the gang broke that rule. You waited to get something for your sweetie, or maybe your in-laws. You need to get a gift STAT. Well,… Continue Reading Last Minute Gifts Guaranteed to Arrive Before Christmas Eve

plus size fashion from nordstrom best picks

Nordstrom is Killing It in the Plus Size Department

I sometimes wonder about buyers for department stores; it’s like they think anyone over a size 12 wants to wear only dark and dreary colors and waterfall cardigans. However, Nordstrom seems to be stepping up their plus size game. Recently perusing their New Arrivals, I saw so many stylish, pretty, professional, and downright fun plus… Continue Reading Nordstrom is Killing It in the Plus Size Department

Lands' End plaid flannel pajamas for the whole family as seen on Alison Gary of Wardrobe Oxygen, her husband, and daughter
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The Family That Plaids Together Stays Together

Spoiler alert for friends and family, as this is the photo we used this year for our holiday cards… and our cards haven’t been mailed out yet!  In fact, they haven’t yet arrived.  Thursday, I spent the day at my mom’s, picked Emerson up from school, came home, took a shower and we all got in… Continue Reading The Family That Plaids Together Stays Together