wardrobe oxygen at good housekeeping
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A Tour of Good Housekeeping with Jambu

Growing up, the magazines in our home were Time, National Geographic, and Good Housekeeping. Whenever anything was purchased, my parents consulted Consumer Reports and/or Good Housekeeping. New recipe tried for dinner? There’s a good chance it came from the pages of Good Housekeeping. Now that I am an adult, Good Housekeeping is still a part… Continue Reading A Tour of Good Housekeeping with Jambu

recent purchases hits and misses by wardrobe oxygen

Shopping Hits and Misses: Madewell, Boden, Ellos, J. Crew, Amazon

I told you there’d be a lot of these hits and misses! I haven’t even lost 20 pounds since I started working out at the beginning of December, but with the increase in muscle most of my clothes are fitting weird or not fitting at all. My stomach is flatter, which makes a lot of… Continue Reading Shopping Hits and Misses: Madewell, Boden, Ellos, J. Crew, Amazon