kimpton hotel madera review

DC Staycation at the Kimpton Hotel Madera

stay·ca·tion /stāˈkāSHn/ noun, informal a vacation spent in one’s home country rather than abroad, or one spent at home and involving day trips to local attractions. Staycation, it’s a word often misused. We tell friends we had a staycation when really we lived our normal life inside our home, maybe with more Netflix and less… Continue Reading DC Staycation at the Kimpton Hotel Madera

ELOQUII Fall 2017 clothing review by wardrobe oxygen

Shopping Hits and Misses: ELOQUII Edition

I’ve been doing a lot of shopping from ELOQUII this year, plus they have sent me some things. ELOQUII for me is hit or miss, sometimes it fits as though it was custom made, sometimes I need to be 4” taller to make things work, sometimes (especially with their pants) I don’t have enough hip… Continue Reading Shopping Hits and Misses: ELOQUII Edition