soma intimates purchases review - wardrobe oxygen soma intimates review

Fashion Purchases Hits and Misses: Soma Intimates Edition

Spoiler alert – there’s no misses really in this post. Also note some items were gifted to me from Soma, the rest were purchased with my money and my only discount was the code I got from one of their emails that goes to all customers. Anyway, on with the items I have recently purchased… Continue Reading Fashion Purchases Hits and Misses: Soma Intimates Edition

can large busts wear the bralette trend - a review by wardrobe oxygen
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Bralettes for Big Busts? A Torrid Review

The bralette trend is hot this summer. A little bit of lace or ladder straps peeking out of a tank, from the neck of a deep v-neck tee, or adding flair to a simple camisole is a way to have light support, carry off filmy summer pieces with a bit of coverage, and add interest… Continue Reading Bralettes for Big Busts? A Torrid Review