best insoles for flats and dress shoes

The 8 Best Insoles for Flats and Dress Shoes

You found the perfect pair of shoes. They’re delicate and beautiful and complete your outfit… but you really wish they had a bit more cushioning and/or arch support. Been there, and I’ve got you with the best insoles for flats and dress shoes that have been road tested by me, my friends, or other members… Continue Reading The 8 Best Insoles for Flats and Dress Shoes

how to make your facebook account more secure

How to Make Your Facebook Account More Secure

I launched a private Facebook group for the Wardrobe Oxygen community. While I have managed many Facebook pages, I have never built or administrated a group before. The information provided to an admin when requesting membership to a Facebook group floored me… but then I realized the information I am provided isn’t much different from… Continue Reading How to Make Your Facebook Account More Secure