wardrobe oxygen what i wore updating a wardrobe favorite featuring payless

What I Wore: Updating a Wardrobe Favorite

dress | shoes | bag | necklace Dress: LOFT (old; similar) | Bag: Sole Society | Shoes: Juliette Ghille Pointed Pump c/o Christian Siriano for Payless |  Necklace: Baublebar | Sunglasses: Ray-Ban | Lipstick: Infallible Pro-Matte-Gloss in Aphrodite Kiss c/o L’Oreal As I mentioned in this previous post, Payless provided me with the opportunity to… Continue Reading What I Wore: Updating a Wardrobe Favorite

experience getting an IUD - Wardrobe Oxygen One Year after Getting an IUD: My Experience

One Year after Getting an IUD: My Experience

A year ago, I made the decision to get an IUD. After having our daughter, I tried hormonal birth control and had horrible reactions and decided to try a different route. I did my research and went with ParaGard, a hormone-free copper inter-uterine device which was free with my insurance. In this post, I share… Continue Reading One Year after Getting an IUD: My Experience