wardrobe oxygen reader survey results

Learning from You: Changes to Wardrobe Oxygen thanks to Reader Survey Feedback

Last month I started an anonymous reader survey and the feedback has been AH-MAY-ZING! You all have been so great, sharing ideas, telling me what you like, what you don’t like, and what you’d love to see. Each time Survey Monkey has emailed me letting me know I have new responses I get excited. I’m… Continue Reading Learning from You: Changes to Wardrobe Oxygen thanks to Reader Survey Feedback

How to Wear It: Feeling Fall in a Warm Weather Climate

“I will be wanting wear fall long before fall actually happens down here. I really want to wear the “marsala” and “olive” that are on trend, but have been coming up short at my usual places for top pieces. I was hoping for a top I could wear to community meetings (business casual) with dark… Continue Reading How to Wear It: Feeling Fall in a Warm Weather Climate

Trying Le Tote: My Experience with the Clothing and Accessory Rental Company

Trying Le Tote: My Experience with the Clothing and Accessory Rental Company

You all know my love for Gwynnie Bee, but many of you have asked if there is a similar program for those who are smaller than a size 10. Le Tote is also a clothing rental company, but with a different concept. Le Tote helps you curate a box of not just clothing but accessories.… Continue Reading Trying Le Tote: My Experience with the Clothing and Accessory Rental Company