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Ask Allie: Casual Capsule Wardrobe for Post-college Orientation

I’m starting an internship and I’m really excited about it! But first, I have a 10 day orientation in North Carolina. The internship directors told us to dress “casual” but to me (as a very recent college grad) that’s whatever t-shirt is clean and shorts that have seen better days. I want to pack everything… Continue Reading Ask Allie: Casual Capsule Wardrobe for Post-college Orientation

A Life, Replotted: On Tearing Down Walls

A few weeks ago, my introverted 11-year old announced with great pride, “Mom, yesterday I really pushed myself outside my comfort zone.” “Really?” I responded, shocked as much by his announcement as his semantics. (We don’t use phrases like comfort zone in our house.) He proceeded to tell me he participated in a singing contest… Continue Reading A Life, Replotted: On Tearing Down Walls


How to Wear White Pants and Jeans without Being a Stain Magnet

I love white pants, and own several pairs of white jeans. Each time I wear them someone asks me how I do it without looking like a slob. It’s a good question, I am the Queen of Klutz. I’m known to trip on my own shadow, and can never drink a cup of coffee without… Continue Reading How to Wear White Pants and Jeans without Being a Stain Magnet

several hangers of womens clothing on a rolling rack

Styling a Knit Dress for Fall and Winter

A member of the Wardrobe Oxygen Community reached out asking for advice on styling a knit dress for fall and winter. She purchased a striped long-sleeved t-shirt-style dress and wanted advice on styling it as the weather got colder. Below I share my tips along with some sample outfits. Hi Allie, I bought an adorable… Continue Reading Styling a Knit Dress for Fall and Winter

Maybelline Colossal Chaotic Mascara Review

Maybelline Colossal Chaotic Lash Washable Mascara Review

I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve walked out of a store without having bought the new and improved or the latest and greatest mascara. Just like the last-minute candy bar I grab in the supermarket checkout line, new mascara is part of my routine. And because of that, I have… Continue Reading Maybelline Colossal Chaotic Lash Washable Mascara Review