how to make your facebook account more secure

How to Make Your Facebook Account More Secure

I launched a private Facebook group for the Wardrobe Oxygen community. While I have managed many Facebook pages, I have never built or administrated a group before. The information provided to an admin when requesting membership to a Facebook group floored meโ€ฆ but then I realized the information I am provided isnโ€™t much different from… Continue Reading How to Make Your Facebook Account More Secure

What Are the Best Travel Pants for Women: 9 Extended Size Options Reviewed

What Are the Best Travel Pants for Women: 9 Extended Size Options Reviewed

This is a review by Grace Mitchell, who is a member of the Wardrobe Oxygen Community. In the Facebook group, Grace asked for advice on finding the best travel pants for women and received many recommendations. She figured that many others may be looking for a similar item for their wardrobe and asked if she… Continue Reading What Are the Best Travel Pants for Women: 9 Extended Size Options Reviewed

The Best Travel Sandals

The Best Travel Sandals: A Teva Hurricane Drift Review

The Best Travel Sandals: A Teva Hurricane Drift Review This summer I took family trip to Savannah, Georgia and Wilkes County, North Carolina. The weekend before this trip, I spent in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. The month prior, I visited Salem, Massachusetts, Providence, Rhode Island, and Long Island, New York. Over the summer, I went to… Continue Reading The Best Travel Sandals: A Teva Hurricane Drift Review