woman in fitted pink sweatsuit with blonde hair. She is holding a tiny dog in her arms; the dog is wearing a red frilly dress.

Stressing About The Latest Trend Makes You Look Old

There I said it. All of you folks stressing about how to part your hair and whether you should part with your tan suede ankle booties? You look incredibly out of touch. Stressing about the latest trend makes you look old. Don’t let these so-called style experts make you look old with their marketing ploys.… Continue Reading Stressing About The Latest Trend Makes You Look Old

A brown haired mom and her teenage daughter taking a selfie photo in front of a marquee promoting the Broadway muscial Annie at the National Theater in Washington D.C.

We Got Annie: A Loveletter to Broadway at the National Theater in D.C.

When I was in 5th grade, a friend of my dad’s came to visit. She was a close friend from his life before my mom and us, but that past life didn’t end on bad terms. She had red hair, took the bus, and brought us gifts in heavyweight plastic bags with snap-close handles advertising… Continue Reading We Got Annie: A Loveletter to Broadway at the National Theater in D.C.