how to style an ugly christmas sweater by wardrobe oxygen

How to Style an Ugly Christmas Sweater

There is no better time of year than the holidays to have fun with fashion. Battery-operated tree light necklaces? Rock them. Beaded and bedazzled theme earrings? I own them, and I support wearing them. And ugly Christmas sweaters? They’ve been popular for decades, they’re a lot of fun, and I love styling ugly Christmas sweaters… Continue Reading How to Style an Ugly Christmas Sweater

the best bras for large busts

I Think These are the Best Bras for Large Busts

I previously shared my favorite wireless bra as a large-busted woman over 40, as well as a list of the best wireless bras—and at the end of the second post, I mentioned that while I own wireless bras, I still feel most comfortable in an underwire bra. As someone who has had a large bust… Continue Reading I Think These are the Best Bras for Large Busts

GivingTuesday 2024 and wardrobe oxygen

GivingTuesday 2024: A Day to Give To Others After a Weekend of Getting

For over a decade, I have dedicated the Tuesday after Thanksgiving to GivingTuesday. GivingTuesday reimagines a world built upon shared humanity and generosity. This weekend was about shopping and getting yourself the best deals. Today is a time to give to others: your money, your time, your talents, your platform, and whatever you can do… Continue Reading GivingTuesday 2024: A Day to Give To Others After a Weekend of Getting