the best size inclusive joggers for women

The Best Extended-Size Joggers for Grown-Ass Women: 8 Brands Reviewed

I believe any woman, of any age, can wear whatever makes her happy. That being said, as a woman in her 40s I know that some silhouettes and fabrics that made me happy in the 20s don’t make me as happy now. Lifestyle changes, body changes, and changing priorities for what I choose to add… Continue Reading The Best Extended-Size Joggers for Grown-Ass Women: 8 Brands Reviewed

Best Buys of the Year from My Stylish Friends

Best Buys of the Year from My Stylish Friends

I know I am not the only one constantly inspired by and influenced by her friends. And this weird year, a lot of that inspiration and influence happened online through Instagram, texts, Zoom calls, and reading reviews on Facebook and when they have them, blogs. I decided to reach out to some of my friends… Continue Reading Best Buys of the Year from My Stylish Friends