Performing A Closet Cleanout: Tips from a Pro

Performing A Closet Cleanout: Tips from a Pro

Last week, I went live on Instagram with Rosana Vollmerhausen, the founder and chief stylist at DC Style Factory to perform a remote closet audit on my wardrobe.  You may recall I hired DC Style Factory to help me craft outfits for a fashion conference. While fashion is literally my job and I feel I… Continue Reading Performing A Closet Cleanout: Tips from a Pro

How a Neti Pot Helped Stop My Snoring
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How a Neti Pot Helped Stop My Snoring

I’m a bit into woo. Not the “woo” of drunk girls at a bar on a Saturday night, the woo of those who are into more crunchy or alternative techniques for health, wellness, and relaxation. Don’t get me wrong, I am all about modern medicine and a huge supporter of vaccines. However, I love to… Continue Reading How a Neti Pot Helped Stop My Snoring

My Heart, My Closet (and an IG live 1pm ET today!)

My Heart, My Closet (and an IG live 1pm ET today!)

This is my current closet.  I took this picture Sunday evening.  On the right is my husband’s stuff; I have the left and the back.  When we bought our 1940’s row home in 2000, our bedroom was what is now our home office.  That closet was small, and not only was it small, one wall… Continue Reading My Heart, My Closet (and an IG live 1pm ET today!)