casual capsule wardrobe woman over 40

Casual Capsule Wardrobe for a Woman over 40

Can you help a fashion impaired over-40 woman? Do you have any suggestions for a black and navy wardrobe in a very casual work place setting (think: jeans are the norm)? I also like to accent with chartreuse and maybe some plum items…I’m at a bit of a loss as to how to approach this.… Continue Reading Casual Capsule Wardrobe for a Woman over 40


Ask Allie: Capsule Wardrobe for a Fluctuating Figure

I’m going through a divorce and at the same time my only son has left for college [thousands of miles away]. I know I am self-medicating with food and I need to do something about it but in the meantime my clothes don’t fit. I don’t want to spend a lot of money because A.… Continue Reading Ask Allie: Capsule Wardrobe for a Fluctuating Figure

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Ask Allie: Feminine Capsule Wardrobe of Neutrals

I love the idea of capsule wardrobes and minimalism but I can’t seem to make it work. I buy basics but they don’t work with each other so I end up buying more and more. I like neutrals (camel, cream, grey with jeans and brown shoes) and I like a polished and professional but feminine… Continue Reading Ask Allie: Feminine Capsule Wardrobe of Neutrals

capsule wardrobe - summer polish

Ask Allie: Summer Capsule Wardrobe with Polish

“I’d love to know what you plan on wearing this summer, what are your top buys?” “Can you do a summer capsule of business casual but that works with after work ball games, happy hours, and other events? I can’t figure out summer day to play like I can for fall and winter.” Summer should… Continue Reading Ask Allie: Summer Capsule Wardrobe with Polish

Ask Allie: Very Casual Office Attire

Ask Allie: Very Casual Office Attire

I was wondering if you could do a capsule collection for the casual workplace. My workplace is so casual that I have coworkers who walk around in cargo shorts and flip-flops all summer, pretty much everyone wears jeans always, and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a coworker or two in actual pajamas. I like dresses… Continue Reading Ask Allie: Very Casual Office Attire