how to get a headshot you don't hate by wardrobe oxygen an over 40 fashion blog for women

How to Get a Headshot You Don’t Hate

In these days of webinars, online courses, and e-books, it’s more important than ever to have visuals to support your message. Not only should a presentation, website, or course have great graphics, but there needs to be a face to go with those brilliant, innovative thoughts. How to get a headshot you don’t hate. Continue Reading How to Get a Headshot You Don’t Hate

Red double breasted twill pantsuit from 1901 with Universal Standard Foundation turtleneck and black patent ankle booties
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What I Wore: Another Week, Another Suit

Another week, another suit! I told you I am on a suit kick, but they’re so great for my wardrobe.  I wear the pants alone with sweaters, the blazers with jeans, and the suits work for all the social events on my calendar!  This one is from 1901 and is a great price and a… Continue Reading What I Wore: Another Week, Another Suit

My Closet Cleanout Left me Without Clothes!
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My Closet Cleanout Left me Without Clothes!

“I’m furloughed. I don’t know when I will go back to work so I can’t take a trip or get into a major project. I’m cleaning out my closet and it’s been enlightening to say the least. My concern is if I get rid of everything I don’t like I won’t have any clothes left!… Continue Reading My Closet Cleanout Left me Without Clothes!

Campaign Trail Fashion for a Female Politician

Campaign Trail Fashion for a Female Politician

If Melania’s jacket proved anything it’s that people judge what we wear and make decisions on our reasoning for our sartorial choices. When you’re in the public eye, it’s imperative to portray an image that matches your message and look for ways to control your narrative. Wardrobe Oxygen is about helping women find their personal… Continue Reading Campaign Trail Fashion for a Female Politician

Capsule Wardrobe: Low-Maintenance Office Style
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Capsule Wardrobe: Low-Maintenance Office Style

When you work a full-time job that doesn’t pay you crazy bucks, your life is different from many of the fashion advice pieces in magazines and on the internet. Dry cleaning can be mad expensive. The idea of hand washing garments will cause such intense laughter tears will come to your eyes and you’ll clutch… Continue Reading Capsule Wardrobe: Low-Maintenance Office Style

capsule wardrobe fopr running for office. style and grooming tips for the female candidate
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What to Wear When Running for Political Office: The Woman Candidate’s Capsule Wardrobe

This post contains affiliate links; if you click on a link and make a purchase Wardrobe Oxygen may make a small commission. It’s 2018 but when you Google what to wear when running for political office, what to wear for a political campaign, or any other similar search almost all advice is old and geared… Continue Reading What to Wear When Running for Political Office: The Woman Candidate’s Capsule Wardrobe