Unexpected “Staples” for a Summer (and beyond) Wardrobe

Unexpected “Staples” for a Summer (and beyond) Wardrobe

Yes, there are the staples. But everyone needs to add to their wardrobe to fit their lifestyle, personality and climate. Below are a few tried and true additions that seem to work with many women I have met and interacted with across the country, no matter their age or figure: 1. White jeans. White jeans… Continue Reading Unexpected “Staples” for a Summer (and beyond) Wardrobe

Photo of Shopping Mall

Random thoughts on a Tuesday at Annapolis Mall

I wear Burberry London as my signature fragrance. It is the first time I have had a “signature fragrance,” for most fragrances drive me insane or make me sneeze after a few weeks. Because of this, a good third of my bureau is decorated with various perfume bottles. I just can’t rid of them because… Continue Reading Random thoughts on a Tuesday at Annapolis Mall