Unexpected “Staples” for a Summer (and beyond) Wardrobe

Unexpected “Staples” for a Summer (and beyond) Wardrobe

Yes, there are the staples. But everyone needs to add to their wardrobe to fit their lifestyle, personality and climate. Below are a few tried and true additions that seem to work with many women I have met and interacted with across the country, no matter their age or figure: 1. White jeans. White jeans… Continue Reading Unexpected “Staples” for a Summer (and beyond) Wardrobe

Photo of Shopping Mall

Random thoughts on a Tuesday at Annapolis Mall

I wear Burberry London as my signature fragrance. It is the first time I have had a “signature fragrance,” for most fragrances drive me insane or make me sneeze after a few weeks. Because of this, a good third of my bureau is decorated with various perfume bottles. I just can’t rid of them because… Continue Reading Random thoughts on a Tuesday at Annapolis Mall

Online Vendor Review – Custom Glam Girl

Online Vendor Review – Custom Glam Girl

Internet shopping can be sketchy. You may not receive what you ordered, it may be packed so clumsily that it arrives damaged… if at all. Quality doesn’t always match the photographs and return policies may make it more worth your while to stick with your defective purchase. Much of this is because it’s very cheap… Continue Reading Online Vendor Review – Custom Glam Girl