OK, I Get the Universal Standard Next-To-Naked Bodysuit Hype

OK, I Get the Universal Standard Next-To-Naked Bodysuit Hype

In the past year, I have changed my relationship with Facebook again and again. At first, it was a way to connect with those I was unable to see in person due to the ‘demic. Then it became a place to unfollow and unfriend so many based on politics, ignoring the CDC, believing conspiracies, etc.… Continue Reading OK, I Get the Universal Standard Next-To-Naked Bodysuit Hype

Are Jaybird Vistas Worth It? An Honest Review of the Waterproof Headphones

Dude. The Jaybird Vista earbuds are amazing. You know I’m serious when I use the word, “dude” as a full sentence. But seriously, I love these earbuds. I’m wearing them right now as I write this. But dude, the Jaybird Vista earbuds are hella frustrating too. Are Jaybird Vistas worth it? Let me break it… Continue Reading Are Jaybird Vistas Worth It? An Honest Review of the Waterproof Headphones