Recent Purchases, Hits and Misses (LOFT, Shoes, and More)

Recent Purchases, Hits and Misses (LOFT, Shoes, and More)

Welcome to the latest edition of Things Alison Bought and Whether or Not They Suck.  I’ve been putting this off because I don’t have pretty photos, but I hope my words and stock photos can paint a picture in your mind of the awesomeness or awfulness of these different items. MIA “Margerie” Knit Bootie –… Continue Reading Recent Purchases, Hits and Misses (LOFT, Shoes, and More)

Why I Don’t Feature More Budget-Friendly Fashion

Why I Don’t Feature More Budget-Friendly Fashion

At the beginning of each year, I create a goal for Wardrobe Oxygen, based on your feedback from the previous year. This year I decided to offer more affordable fashion. While my affiliate sales show that the majority of the audience is comfortable with the retailers and pricepoints I share, several of you complained that… Continue Reading Why I Don’t Feature More Budget-Friendly Fashion

Plus-Size Fashion for Grown Women Survey

Plus-Size Fashion for Grown Women Survey

Recently Glamour did a whole series of content about plus-size fashion and it is FANTASTIC.  Part of this series was the introduction of the Glamour Plus Size Fashion Awards.  This is the first year, and I am thrilled this will be an annual event, similar to the awards that magazines like Allure and Real Simple… Continue Reading Plus-Size Fashion for Grown Women Survey

What to Wear to a Movie Premiere or Similar Social Event?

What to Wear to a Movie Premiere or Similar Social Event?

I had a reader reach out to me – she is petite, has soft curves, is over 40 and attending a documentary movie premiere.  She wasn’t sure what to wear and wanted my advice: “I’ve been invited to a movie premiere in a few weeks, and I have no idea what to wear. Part of… Continue Reading What to Wear to a Movie Premiere or Similar Social Event?

woman in a green floral dress cinched with a tan obi belt

#AmazonNightgown Dress Review: Will it Fit a Large Bust or Large Size?

Each season, there seems to be a handful of super cheap fashion items on Amazon that go viral. As a blogger, I know that Amazon really pushes their fashion with plenty of perks, therefore influencers push Amazon. Amazon converts well because the pricepoint and shipping is awesome. Also, if you click on this fashion item… Continue Reading #AmazonNightgown Dress Review: Will it Fit a Large Bust or Large Size?