My Closet Cleanout Left me Without Clothes!
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My Closet Cleanout Left me Without Clothes!

“I’m furloughed. I don’t know when I will go back to work so I can’t take a trip or get into a major project. I’m cleaning out my closet and it’s been enlightening to say the least. My concern is if I get rid of everything I don’t like I won’t have any clothes left!… Continue Reading My Closet Cleanout Left me Without Clothes!

dressy capsule wardrobe

Building a Dressy Capsule Wardrobe

One of the most requested capsule wardrobes from Wardrobe Oxygen readers is a dressy capsule wardrobe. Most of us don’t regularly attend dressy events so it’s nice to have a core wardrobe of clothing and accessories at the ready if such an occasion arises. A dressy capsule wardrobe will also prevent buyer’s regret. Last minute… Continue Reading Building a Dressy Capsule Wardrobe

clothing care tips and style hacks by wardrobe oxygen

Clothing Care Tips: The Invisible Infrastructure of Great Style

While what you wear is important, how you wear it, how you care for it, and how it fits is what really determines great style. I’ve been writing this post for a while, but reader Jennifer’s comment on a recent post not only inspired me to complete it, but also inspired the title. There are… Continue Reading Clothing Care Tips: The Invisible Infrastructure of Great Style

What I Wore: New Year, New Mentality
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What I Wore: New Year, New Mentality

Fashion blogging success comes from you wanting what I’ve got. That sweater, those booties, that weekend staycation at a hotel. The more I offer, the newer the selections, the more you want it, and therefore, the more money I make. But to constantly offer things that are new, I lose my sense of style. Anyone… Continue Reading What I Wore: New Year, New Mentality