Alison wearing the Soma INNOFIT bra while looking at the INNOFIT app on her smartphone

SOMAINNOFIT Review: A Precise Bra Fitting at Home

Have you heard of SOMAINNOFIT? It’s this new and revolutionary tool from Soma to get a precise bra fitting at home. In fact, the SOMAINNOFIT bra provides a more accurate fitting than by many professionals. SOMAINNOFIT is a battery-operated bra with a coordinating free app; the combination measures you for a perfectly fitting bra without… Continue Reading SOMAINNOFIT Review: A Precise Bra Fitting at Home

Everlane Authentic Stretch High-Rise Skinny Button Fly Jean Review

Everlane Jeans Review by a Curvy Size 12/14 Petite Woman

When I recently mentioned I was looking for new jeans, a few of you recommended Everlane jeans. I am familiar with Everlane; a couple of years ago I did an Everlane review focusing on tops as back then Everlane only went up to size L and I knew no bottoms would fit my body. Everlane… Continue Reading Everlane Jeans Review by a Curvy Size 12/14 Petite Woman

My Closet Cleanout Left me Without Clothes!
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My Closet Cleanout Left me Without Clothes!

“I’m furloughed. I don’t know when I will go back to work so I can’t take a trip or get into a major project. I’m cleaning out my closet and it’s been enlightening to say the least. My concern is if I get rid of everything I don’t like I won’t have any clothes left!… Continue Reading My Closet Cleanout Left me Without Clothes!

dressy capsule wardrobe

Building a Dressy Capsule Wardrobe

One of the most requested capsule wardrobes from Wardrobe Oxygen readers is a dressy capsule wardrobe. Most of us don’t regularly attend dressy events so it’s nice to have a core wardrobe of clothing and accessories at the ready if such an occasion arises. A dressy capsule wardrobe will also prevent buyer’s regret. Last minute… Continue Reading Building a Dressy Capsule Wardrobe