More Suits for a Large Bust and Soft Belly Swimsuit Review: Looking to Flatter my Large Bust and Soft Curves

Swimsuit Review: Looking to Flatter my Large Bust and Soft Curves

It’s the time of year for buying swimsuits. Last year I decided to make do with what I had – my Lands’ End paisley bikini and a turquoise halter one-piece that was gifted to me eons ago that is showing its wear. Bad move, Allie. While the bikini wasn’t bad, my body has changed over… Continue Reading Swimsuit Review: Looking to Flatter my Large Bust and Soft Curves

Ask Allie: Week at the Shore with his Parents
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Ask Allie: Week at the Shore with his Parents

Dear Allie, my boyfriend invited me to spend a week at the shore with his family at their beach house. I’ve met them before, but I’m nervous with what to wear when on the beach and at the pool. I’m comfortable in a bikini, but I don’t want to look inappropriate, is it okay to… Continue Reading Ask Allie: Week at the Shore with his Parents


Review: Swimsuit Shopping with

Be you a size 6 or a size 26, it sucks shopping for woman’s swimwear. The fluorescent lighting in the fitting rooms, trying to gauge proper fit over your underwear, dealing with clueless shop staff, and being forced to examine all the trouble spots on your body. Click here to read about my experience of… Continue Reading Review: Swimsuit Shopping with

Reader Question – Shopping for Swimwear
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Reader Question – Shopping for Swimwear

Reader Laurie asked: I am wondering where you shop for swimwear. I have a body type very similar, although I’ve got quite a few years on you (55). I am in decent shape, would like a tank suit with medium high cut legs, but need a D cup underwire, if possible, or at the very… Continue Reading Reader Question – Shopping for Swimwear