Friday: Sep 21, 2007

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August 002
August 003

You do not understand the joy I felt this morning when I realized it was already Friday! It has been a terribly busy week and I am looking forward to the weekend – a wedding on tomorrow and a baseball game on Sunday.

I tried to capture decent pictures today but failed miserably. I am LOVING the new ‘do – went to the bathroom at work and am SURE I am channeling the ever-gorgeous Sara Ramirez with this cut and color, though these pictures do not capture it very well. I should have some decent pictures taken by someone other than myself this weekend and maybe they'll show it off better.

Anyhoo… pink patterned jersey top from Express – I bought this like in 2002 or something and it has always been a bit tight. In the past year it has been too tight to wear decently but today it seemed to fit well. The hubby and I have been taking advantage of this gorgeous weather and walking every evening and I have been back on track with my mindful eating so I am getting back to the weight I was before. Yeah, a bit of a roll showing, but I think in person and when moving it's not so obvious. I usually HATE showing that sort of thing, but today I think it's not too bad… it's all about the hair I think. On bottom are my Joe's Jeans (“Provacateur”), black leather thong heels from Mossimo, silver hoops and cuff bracelet.

Hair is second day, it woke up looking awesome. All I did was hit the bangs with the curling iron, using it like a straightening iron to smooth them out. Hit some frizzy bedhead with the same curling iron, then used BioSilk to smooth bangs and twirl around pieces. The bangs seemed to calm after this picture on the commute to work and look fabu now.

Makeup is L'oreal True Match concealer in W4-5, philosophy The Supernatural in Beige, Benefit's that Gal, Cargo Matte BeachBlush in Tenerife, Body Shop Warm Shimmer Cubes – the peach over the lid, the chocolate in the crease and along the lash lines. Lashes curled, Imju Fiberwig in black, and then on lips is Victoria's Secret Lip Gloss in French Kiss.

A woman with curly hair wearing a plaid blazer holds a green fur coat over her shoulder on a city street.

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  1. The top is lovely and makes you look very slim and pretty. (Not that you don’t always look slim and pretty- you do!) but this is a great color on you that I haven’t seen too often.

  2. I occasionally wear hairspray, not always and again, It is mainly sprayed far away to hold a shape than at the roots. Boy I must say this morning my hair was NASTY and there was no way to hide in in a pony tail or even under a bandanna, it HAD to be washed! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Hey Allie,

    Just wanted to say that I like the new hair color and that I was totally thinking Sara too!!
    Your outfit looks great – I think that color pink looks excellent with the hair, and btw, the “roll” you’re talking about – miniscule!!
    Have a great weekend!
    Chicago Jen

  4. Great idea with the dryer trick. I’ll have to remember that next time I do second day hair.

    I concur about the Sara Ramirez thing. I also puffy <3 her. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. I think it’s lack of product that keeps me going. When I shampoo, I only shampoo the roots, condition only the ends and rarely use a product on the roots so they don’t get greasy faster. In a pinch, I have been known to use baby powder or Shower to Shower on the roots, but usually at that point I wash it.

    I think it also helps that I run the brush through it with the dryer – it seems to dry up some of the oil or disperse it.

  6. Hi Allie, I have been reading your blog for a few weeks (love it) and I have been wondering about 2nd, 3rd day hair?! I occassionly go 2nd day hair, but I have to pull up with a clip of pony tail or it looks positively yucky. I am wondering if there is a hair product you use that helps with this? I have a similar h/c and I love it too!

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