
Friday: Classic Ending

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curvy fashion blog
emerson and me
foxcroft collection shirt
knotted shirt
lydell nyc necklace
mommy fashion blogger

Shirt: c/o Foxcroft
Skirt: The Limited (similar)
Shoes: Ivanka Trump
Necklace: c/o Lydell NYC
Bracelet: Nordstrom
Bag: Hobo (similar)

This ensemble is a classic ending to this week. I didn't post a ton of outfits since I worked early shifts and was sick, but I pretty much wore a black skirt every day. I didn't realize this until I was taking my OOTD picture for Instagram; each day was a bit funky of an ensemble and today's was pretty classic hence the title of the post!

This morning was a bit crazy; I won't go into details out of respect for my kid, but I ended up late for work, you can see my hair curled up in places from running and perspiration, Emerson felt frustration and then extreme pride, and she will be rewarded for her milestone with a much-desired princess dress. I think fellow parents may realize what momentous occasion took place and us parents are hella relieved!

Foxcroft found out about my need for a classic white shirt and sent me this one.  It's pretty darn awesome – wrinkle-free, quite opaque, classic styling.  I forgot that Foxcroft is sized nicely for busty gals and ordered a 14 instead of 12 so it's a bit roomy, but all the better to knot it at the waist!  If you do order from Foxcroft, do know that they size for women's curves – no need to go up a size or two to prevent gaping at the bustline.

And how pretty is this necklace from Lydell NYC?  It was hard to pry it away from Emerson, she loved all the “precious jewels” in it.  I love that the necklace has a lot of length – many statement necklaces are only 16-18″ in length; this necklace is 18″ or 19″ in length but then has a few inches of extra chain if you want to wear it longer.  Great for versatility and for women like me with thick necks; expect to see this necklace on me a lot in the next couple of months!

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A woman with curly hair wearing a plaid blazer holds a green fur coat over her shoulder on a city street.

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  1. I think I know what Emerson’s milestone was. Congratulations to you both! I can’t WAIT for my granddaughter to do the same. It’s such a waiting game.

  2. ,,,perfect classic look! i love your skater skirt, i think i might have to pay a visit to The Limited. thank you for the inspiration,,,

  3. Love this classy look and pop of color with your necklace! Can’t wait to see what else you will pair it with.


  4. Hi Alison. You and your blog are looking wonderful! I’m just checking in to say that I added you to my Google reader so I can keep up. Keep up the great work ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Love this classic look – I think a black skirt could be worn just about every day without boredom. Congrats to you and Emerson on the bestowing of the Princess Dress (adorable dress, BTW, for a completely adorable girl).

  6. That top is great. Foxcroft really does make great clothes; I kind of forget about them. Also, your leopard shoes cause highly envious feelings in me every time you were them. Deeply envious.

  7. Great look! I’ve been looking for ages for a white button-down shirt that is opaque and can accommodate “the girls.” One question: is the Foxcroft as opaque as it looks, or are you wearing a layer under it? Thanks!

    1. No layer, just a nude tee-shirt bra! In some lights you can see the bra a touch, but in general this shirt is quite opaque without being stiff or cheap feeling. This is my third Foxcroft shirt, and I have had only one that was a touch sheer, and it was a tunic style and more “fashiony.” Their button-fronts are pretty fabulous.

  8. That skirt is so perfect in every way. I love a classic shirt, and that one looks terrific tied. Emerson looks as stylish as her mum.

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