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Thank you to all of you who stuck through a week of utter blogging HECK! To this date, my hosting provider and I both have no clue what happened but all is well in the land of My Wardrobe Today and Wardrobe Oxygen this Sunday evening. Hurrah! I got a bit frustrated with lack of… Continue Reading I’m BAAAACKKKK!!!
Weekend Reads #125
I think there have been plenty of voices this week for you to have to read and listen to. So sit in a comfy spot, put in some headphones even if they’re not playing anything (my favorite way to have people leave me alone while blocking out distractions), grab a beverage of choice, and let’s… Continue Reading Weekend Reads #125
Family Road Trip: Albuquerque, New Mexico
This is the fourth post regarding this road trip.ย Click here to read about Columbus and St. Louis, this post goes over Dodge City and Durango, and click this link to read about our trip to Four Corners and Winslow, Arizona! This post is going live Saturday because itโs sadly shorter than the others. Iโm… Continue Reading Family Road Trip: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Weekend Reads #109
How to Help Freedom of the press means that people have the right to give information and express opinions through publication without fear of government censorship, interference, or retribution, such as physical violence or imprisonment. The First Amendment prevents the American government from passing laws that would threaten this right. The past few weeks alone… Continue Reading Weekend Reads #109
The Artistโs Way: Week 4 Recap/Starting Week 5
So how was last week for everyone? Iโll be honest, I did Morning Pages I think three days and thatโs about it. By Thursday I started reading my novel again along with multiple-page articles online. I didnโt do any of the tasks, I sort of took an AW break. But when I did do my… Continue Reading The Artistโs Way: Week 4 Recap/Starting Week 5
Alice’s Last Easter
Today my mom had to put her cat Alice down. Alice has been a member of the family for 17 years; she was a sweet, strong, fabulous little kitty woman and my mom’s dear roommate for years. Sunday, we went to my mom’s house for Easter. My sister set up an egg hunt for Emerson.… Continue Reading Alice’s Last Easter