Inside our Home – Main Floor Half Bath
It sounds strange, but one of my favorite rooms in our home is the half bath on the main floor. Before the remodel, we only had one bathroom; I begged to have a half bath on the main floor so we could keep our personal bathroom private, and have one for guests to use.ย I also was adamant that the bathroom be orange.ย Not pumpkin, not coral, not rust. Orange.ย While this gave our contractors heartburn, my husband loved the idea and we have yet to tire of it.ย The room is cheery, airy, fun, and so very us.

When we completed our house remodel in 2008, we added five feet to the front of the house.ย This extended the kitchen (seen here), and also gave us room to make a bathroom on the main floor.ย Previously, we had accordion doors in the dining room which hid our washer, dryer, and hot water heater.ย We flipped all those appliances around so the closet for them would now be in the new bathroom, making it also our laundry room.ย The location is perfect since it's right at the front door and across from the kitchen, making it easy to wash up after playing or gardening outside, switching a load of laundry while cooking dinner, or tossing dirty napkins and dishtowels into the empty washer.
The sink, cabinetry, and light fixture are from IKEA – I desired very clean, simple lines that would be kid-friendly and provided a ton of storage.ย I also wanted a really big sink so I could soak stained clothing or clean hand washables.ย IKEA isn't the best quality, but the pieces have held up and are easy to clean.ย I also love that there is space under the cabinet – while it can collect dust bunnies and dog kibble, it's also where I store my hand weights for those times when I am inspired to whip out an exercise DVD.
The trash can is from Target – it was the kitchen trash can in the old house and we always found it to be an awkward size.ย It fits perfectly in this corner of the bathroom, and is small enough that we can use old grocery bags as the trash bags.
The floor is industrial-grade linoleum.ย Budget-friendly, durable, comfortable, and doesn't look like your grandma's kitchen floor.ย Seriously, even people who are standing on the floor are surprised when we tell them it's linoleum and not tile.
And heck, I'd want to know what reading material is in another's bathroom so I'll share it with you.ย No fashion magazines because Bazaar is upstairs and the others I finished and passed on to others.ย Since the time of this photo, the latest issue of Elle is now residing in here.
On top of the medicine cabinet are two blue glass bottles my father-in-law gave me.ย He attended a flea market on one of his travels and felt they looked like something I would like.ย He was right!
This little shelf was a big reason why I chose this medicine cabinet.ย Then I got home and realized how very small it is and how few things we owned that looked right in the space.ย We started using it as a place to display cool rocks and shells we find on our travels.ย Now that Emerson is old enough, she contributes to the collection (the biggest rock to the left is one she picked out on our trip last summer to Vermont).
We make our own foaming hand soap with one part Dr. Bronner's to 10 parts water.ย We just keep reusing these Method bottles, and give them a trip in the washing machine from time to time to keep them fresh.ย It saves money, and reduces waste.
To the right of the bathroom door is our rag bin.ย In here are old towels, dish cloths, cloth diapers, and cut-up receiving blankets and tee shirts that we use for cleaning around the house.ย They work better than paper towels, are reusable, and easy.
This painting is by our neighbor and friend Barbara Stevens.ย She had an art exhibit at a local cafe and my husband and I were both drawn to this painting.ย A few weeks ago she gave it to us as a gift.ย Some may find it strange to have such a painting in your bathroom, but I love how it looks against the orange walls, this is the sunniest room in the house, and a place where all visitors will be able to see and enjoy it.
I have had this poster of Georgia O'Keeffe since at least college, if not earlier.ย O'Keeffe is one of my favorite artists, I wrote many papers about her in high school and college.ย My husband once joked that Georgia O'Keeffe was my spirit animal.ย I love this photo, showing how badass she was, not letting age hold her back from fun experiences.
The bathroom window is right at eye level at the front step so it needs some sort of privacy shade.ย Problem is, traditional blinds would block the sun and that is one of the most appealing parts of this room.ย The window is an unusual size, so we couldn't find off-the-shelf plantation shutters to fit.ย These are the ones from the old kitchen window, but they are a bit short for men standing at the toilet.ย One day my husband was putting Emerson's window crayons away and became inspired.ย He did this crazy rainbow pattern on the windows and it has remained ever since.ย Eventually we will have custom-made plantation shutters, but the rainbow is quite the conversation starter!
Hrm, looks as though a little potty training person lives in this house!ย These are the doors to the laundry closet.ย I was super budget conscious during the remodel, and freaked when I saw new doors up in this bathroom – where were the old, perfectly good ones?ย The contractor had these leftover from a previous project so they were free.ย And while the old ones were perfectly good, these were perfectly new and shiny and made of real wood!ย And because I know you like to see what is inside closets…
The utterly glamorous inside of the laundry closet.ย The washer came with the house, the dryer we bought a year after moving in.ย We keep meaning to organize the closet with shelves and storage containers, but have yet to get around to it.ย So instead we have a mishmosh of dog leashes, bike equipment, driveway chalk, hats, and such.ย Emerson's sand pails come in handy – one holds gloves, the other holds dryer lint (we add it to the compost).ย You can also see our two dusty rolls of paper towels – both are three years old.ย We never use paper towel, but when people dogsit we bring it out in case of accidents and because it seems to wig people out to wipe their muddy paws on an old towel.
Here's all the cleaning supplies in the house.ย Seriously.ย There's nothing we can't get sterile and sparkling with a combo of white vinegar, Dr. Bronner's, oxygen bleach and baking soda.ย I'm a big fan of Biokleen products, which smell amazing, are reasonably priced, and seem to always be on sale at (and if you use Ebates you get 6-12% cash back on your order!).ย The Biokleeen spray bottle in front is just a vinegar solution we use to wipe down counters and mirrors.ย Biokleen's Bac-Out takes care of pet accidents and tough stains and smells with ease.ย And Dawn liquid with peroxide is the BEST stain removal (see recipe here).
I didn't show the contents of the under-sink cabinet or medicine cabinet because they are pretty standard.ย Benadryl, Band-Aids, lightbulbs, cleaning buckets, extra toilet paper and hand towels.
And that's it! Small, but bright and sunny and very much us!
Do you remember what color orange you used and which paint?
It’s linoleum, I don’t know the name but it’s at Home Depot on a roll with the industrial types of linoleum. ๐
I really like your floor! I’m in the market and it looks just like what I want. Can you share the brand and style/color? Is it sheet or tiles?
Thanks a bunch!!!
P.s. loooooove the orange!
I really like your floor! I’m in the market and it looks just like what I want. Can you share the brand and style/color? Is it sheet or tiles?
Thanks a bunch!!!
P.s. loooooove the orange!
It’s linoleum, I don’t know the name but it’s at Home Depot on a roll with the industrial types of linoleum. ๐
Love it – so cheerful!
Love it – so cheerful!
I am a big fan of making the half bath a cheery, appealing space. It is one of the rooms your guests most always see, and it’s small enough that you can make it fun and interesting. A friend of mine had what they called “rock and roll bathroom”…they decoupaged covers of Rolling Stone magazine all over the walls. It was great! I love how you decorated the whole space, especially the orange walls.
I am a big fan of making the half bath a cheery, appealing space. It is one of the rooms your guests most always see, and it’s small enough that you can make it fun and interesting. A friend of mine had what they called “rock and roll bathroom”…they decoupaged covers of Rolling Stone magazine all over the walls. It was great! I love how you decorated the whole space, especially theย orange walls.ย
I adore my own house, but I kind of want to come live at yours. That is an awesome bathroom! I love the orange, the offbeat artwork, and all that light. I always appreciate seeing these glimpses into your home.
I love how you are able to bring your own quirky style into your home and outfits AND have them look wonderful!
I adore my own house, but I kind of want to come live at yours. That is an awesome bathroom! I love the orange, the offbeat artwork, and all that light. I always appreciate seeing these glimpses into your home.
I love how you are able to bring your own quirky style into your home and outfits AND have them look wonderful!
Love, love, love that orange! So pretty and cheeful!
Love, love, love that orange! So pretty and cheeful!
Facinating! A very stylish room, and you’re right, it’s totally you not something generic that an interior designer would do. Well done!
Facinating! A very stylish room, and you’re right, it’s totally you not something generic that an interior designer would do. Well done!
Love it! But then my basement half-bath is BRIGHT orange, too! : )
Love it! ย But then my basement half-bath is BRIGHT orange, too! : )
I LOVE when you do house photos too! Gives me great ideas and makes me realize that you besides being a fashion maven and inspiration, you also have a life to live just like the rest of us!
Your bathroom’s color is perfect for a tiny water closet and the accessories make it even more inviting!
I LOVE when you do house photos too!ย Gives me great ideas and makes me realize that you besides being a fashion maven and inspiration, you also have a life to live just like the rest of us!ย
Your bathroom’sย color isย perfect for a tiny water closet and the accessories make it even more inviting!
I LOVE the color!
I LOVE the color! ย
I wish more realized that the two can play nice together. It’s so easy to incorporate a few green lifestyle choices into one’s life without losing style along the way! ๐
Love, Love and more Love your bathroom…..the color is airy, bright and just full of life….great choice.
Love, Love and more Love your bathroom…..the color is airy, bright and just full of life….great choice.
I love how mixed up you are between the worlds of fashion and ecology: on one hand the fasionista (lots of purses, fashionable clothes, you wear make-up) and on the other hand you use rags instead of paper towels and you compost your lint. Cool.
I love how mixed up you are between the worlds of fashion and ecology: on one hand the fasionista (lots of purses, fashionable clothes, you wear make-up) and on the other hand you use rags instead of paper towels and you compost your lint.ย Cool.
I wish more realized that the two can play nice together. It’s so easy to incorporate a few green lifestyle choices into one’s life without losing style along the way! ๐
There are no words with which to properly convey how much I love that orange. It’s AMAZING. Great bathroom.
There are no words with which to properly convey how much I love that orange. It’s AMAZING. Great bathroom.
I love it when you do house pics- your house is so utterly *you*. And the bathroom color is awesome!
I love it when you do house pics- your house is so utterly *you*. And the bathroom color is awesome!
Home Depot ๐
Ali —
Love the pics, and great timing for me. We are looking right now for budget-friendly, durable, comfortable linoleum for our bathroom floor. Where is your floor from?
Ali —
Love the pics, and great timing for me.ย We are looking right now for budget-friendly, durable, comfortable linoleum for our bathroom floor.ย Where is your floor from?
Home Depot ๐
GIRL…. Im in love with your bathroom and well your whole house in fact. I have NO interior decorating skills and honestly when people walk into my apartment they are shocked that I am into fashion because its soooo bachelor pad-ish. Its great to see your home. P.s. Of course Georgia O’Keefe is a bad ass amazing woman… shes a Kappa Delta ๐ aot till I die hahaah
GIRL…. Im in love with your bathroom and well your whole house in fact. I have NO interior decorating skills and honestly when people walk into my apartment they are shocked that I am into fashion because its soooo bachelor pad-ish. Its great to see your home. P.s. Of course Georgia O’Keefe is a bad ass amazing woman… shes a Kappa Delta ๐ aot till I die hahaah
I love your rag bin – cuz we do the same thing! Old t-shirts don’t unravel and they don’t come apart like wretched paper towels. We also reuse the old Method bottles – they’re elegant – my son adds a drop of food colouring to the soap/water. I also like the cool rock & shell collection – I just came home from Victoria BC with some beauties. And <3 ORANGE! I love your home.
I love your rag bin – cuz we do the same thing! Old t-shirts don’t unravel and they don’t come apart like wretched paper towels. We also reuse the old Method bottles – they’re elegant – my son adds a drop of food colouring to the soap/water. I also like the cool rock & shell collection – I just came home from Victoria BC with some beauties. And <3 ORANGE! I love your home.
Truly, a half bath for guests is just so civilized! I really love the color — the whole space is fabulous.
Truly, a half bath for guests is just so civilized! I really love the color — the whole space is fabulous.
Great share! Inspires me to go “old fashioned” in my cleaning supplies…H is gonna freak, I think, but heck, it’s so much nicer (and cheaper!). That, and the O’Keefe photo reminds me of my grandmom. Literally. I’m not sure she was ever on back of a bike, but it wouldn’t surprise me if she had been, and she would’ve looked like this. Thank you!
Great share! Inspires me to go “old fashioned” in my cleaning supplies…H is gonna freak, I think, but heck, it’s so much nicer (and cheaper!). That, and the O’Keefe photo reminds me of my grandmom. Literally. I’m not sure she was ever on back of a bike, but it wouldn’t surprise me if she had been, and she would’ve looked like this. Thank you!
ok, so not only do i love your personal style, im loving your home-style!
we just bought + moved into a new home and we havent done much with it yet. im LOVING all the color you have in your home!
ok, so not only do i love your personal style, im loving your home-style!
we just bought + moved into a new home and we havent done much with it yet. im LOVING all the color you have in your home!
from the little bit I could see of it, it looked very similar to the international edition of a British newspaper I read
It’s my town’s weekly newspaper ๐
I love that brave orange color and the contrasting white! I’m wondering what that newspaper is at the back of your reading material. I’m hazarding a guess …
I love that brave orange color and the contrasting white! I’m wondering what that newspaper is at the back of your reading material. I’m hazarding a guess …
It’s my town’s weekly newspaper ๐
from the little bit I could see of it, it looked very similar to the international edition of a British newspaper I read