Vintage Mid Century Modern Bedroom Lamps

Almost a decade ago I complimented Karl's Grandma on her living room lamps; I never thought she'd remember and gift me with them. Since that compliment, Karl's grandparents moved from their home to an assisted living facility. Last year Grandpa passed away and Grandma moved into a smaller apartment.
This year Grandma has had some health issues and moved into a different room that didn't have space for the lamps. Grandma remembered how much I liked the lamps and gave them to us.
Our old bedroom lamps were… fine (you can see them here). The bases were brushed silver, a Target special we bought 12 years ago when we moved in the house. The old lampshades were from the Liberty for Target collection and while I ADORE them, one had broken and was being held together with binder clips.
One of the old bedside lamps is now in the office in place of the old desk lamp (which used to be on my dressing table and has now returned to that location), the other base up in the attic for possible future use. I love how these new lamps are very tall and solid, making the airy bedroom look more grounded. We like how the lampshades give such a warm glow to the room.
While they're beautiful-looking lamps, they're so special because they represent my relationship with Karl's Grandma.ย We didn't really start off as best friends, but over the years we have gotten close. I love Grandma, and I love that her lamps are now in our bedroom and a daily reminder of the fabulous woman she is.
The lamps are the perfect fit with the album art!
What a lovely post. They look fabulous – are they from the 1950s or 60s? But as you say, the best thing is the reminder that she cares for you. That’s priceless!
Looks great! I believe these are called Lotte Lamps – Danish mid-century modern. Yummm!
Hi Allie! I love your cozy bedroom retreat; the style is so “you”. The cutest thing in there is of course, Emerson, but the lamps are indeed
a lovely touch. Would you please share where you got the colorful quilt/comforter?
Hi Alison (great name!) it’s actually from Nordstrom, both the main quilt and the rainbow Ikat one at the foot of the bed! The main one seems to be out of stock, but they have surprisingly great prices on sale quilts and coverlets:
Awesome, and thank you for the Nordstrom tip. I’m in the mood for a new color scheme for my bedding and yours inspired me. I’ve been a long time reader of your blog and thought it was about time I finally posted a comment. Keep up the terrific writing and best of luck as you continue to restore to best health. P.S. Love your name, too! Rare to encounter the spelling with a single “l”.
I think its a lovely gesture she remembered- and I just love that picture of Emerson!
I love your room, Allie. I can see how your fashion style translates to home decor! The lamps are awesome and even more special because of the story and relationship associated with them.
It’s great that the lamps fit on your nightstands. Ours are so tiny that there would be no room left for anything else, Love the album covers over your headboard. Between my husband and I, we have over 2,000 albums and would find it hard pressed to pick just 9 to display. Similarly, we chose caricatures of each other to display.
I love the idea of caricatures! We thought we’d be changing the albums regularly, but got lazy and all of them have stayed there except two. Maybe this post will inspire us to finally switch them up!
I love the lamps. But I really, really want to know the story behind the Paula Abdul album cover.
๐ We put the nine albums up a few years ago, but last year I scored a few wine boxes of vinyl via Freecycle and that album was in there. My husband’s first concert was Paula Abdul and she’s had a little place in his heart since then and one day put the album up on the wall to see how long it would take for me to notice (only about an hour). She’s been there ever since, smiling above his sleeping self LOL!
I love this so very much. And I’m seeing them in Emerson’s home one day, too.
That’s so sweet she remembered! I agree with you – they’re a fabulous shape!