January is A Lot

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circle back in january meme

If you have read this blog for any period of time, you may have seen a theme for this time of year. In December I have the best intentions with gift guides and holiday outfit advice and then by the middle of the month, I am OVER holiday content and pare back on writing, swearing I'll be back better than ever in January. And then January comes and I have yet to get out from underwater and promise I'll be better in February.

January is my sister's birthday, my mom's birthday, my daughter's birthday, and my birthday. We leased our car in January, and this month is the month to turn it in for a new vehicle. January is the month when my daughter has an audition for the high school she really wants to attend. January is peak Girl Scout cookie season, and while I am not Cookie Mom this year I am helping out. January is when tax documents begin arriving, and I am gathering up all the documents to get my taxes taken care of the following month.

lets circle back after the holidays

This month, there have been a few family doctor appointments that couldn't be scheduled later and I am the driver to these appointments. Sadly, a family member passed and their service is this month. Another family member is recovering from major surgery and we plan to visit them this month. And this is the month when everyone is “circling back” after the holidays. My inbox gives me anxiety and the number of Zoom and Google calls on my calendar is intense.

This weekend, my daughter was under the weather (sick on your birthday suuuuucks), so some of her birthday activities were scheduled for the upcoming previously only open weekend. She was home sick Monday, and I hope she's better today but my husband went to bed early Monday night not feeling well and I also feel a bit… off so we shall see how this month goes.

I seriously have 62 draft blog posts in the backend of this site, just waiting to be finished, finessed, photos taken to complete the content. The content is coming, but it's not coming today. I have more ideas than I have time, and look forward to crafting them for you in the near future. Hang tight, and send me luck getting through January!

A woman with curly hair wearing a plaid blazer holds a green fur coat over her shoulder on a city street.

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  1. I am with you, 100%. The last 3 months of last year kicked my ass in ways good and bad – three dream weeks in Africa, my Mom’s dip to another level of decline and eventually succumbing, challenging family circumstances fueled by poor communication and grief, good friends facing significant loss. I laid low Thanksgiving through New Years, and it still wasn’t quite enough.

    My biz coach told me – after I lamented to her that I was still not 100% on my game and it was already January – “February is the new January.” See ya in February

  2. That’s a whole lot on your plate! Thank you for all the incredible content that you’ve posted recently! There are so many posts I’ve wanted to reread and now I’ll have the time while I wait for your new stuff!

  3. A backlog of 62 posts sounds like you’re starting your year off in a good place.

    Kind of like starting the week off with a full fridge and a list of what’s for dinner.

  4. Ditto. We’ve come to love you and your family and want to have you for a long time. Take care of yourself and your loved ones and you’ll be back when you’ll be back and we’ll be here ready when you are. Be well.

  5. I cannot imagine the stress you feel. I get stressed just putting out two blog posts a week. I do hope your daughter is better (as well as you and your husband). That really stinks to be sick on your birthday. And, I am impressed you have that many blog posts waiting to be finished. I really need to be more proactive and figure out future posts!

    Do take care!


  6. Iโ€™d even wait through February or longer. I think many of us are super loyal so do what you need to do with comfort and joy. We will be here. Gratefully yours, Chantal

  7. I find it refreshing that you’re not pushing get organized, lose weight, completely overhaul your life because it’s January, like so many others. You are real and what you share is real…and that’s why we love you and Wardrobe Oxygen. Take care of you and what needs your attention this month…we got you ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. All this, but I do love and miss the regular fashion/style content since I’m not on social media, this is where I come for that. Thank you for explaining, and feel better soon.

  8. Please don’t stress over your readers. We are a loyal bunch, so we’ll be there whenever you’re ready to post. Family is always a priority and first and foremost on our “to do” lists. Just be well. Stay safe. Happy 2023.

    1. I agree, the readers will wait for you because you always brighten the day. I listened to “Brenda Put Your Bra On” and enjoyed it so much I had my husband listen too. Perfect for our cloudy, wet weather on Saturday!
      Wishes for quick recovery for you and your family.

  9. Take care, Alison. Weโ€™ll survive light content. Your widget thingy is giving me ideas of articles to read that I havenโ€™t seen before. Since so much of your content has a reason behind it vice just pushing company Xโ€™s clothes today, itโ€™s evergreen by nature. Iโ€™m going to check out advice on what to wear sightseeing which is escapism at its finest while there is 110+ inches of snow outside.

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