#GivingTuesday: Standing with Standing Rock #NoDAPL

#GivingTuesday: Standing with Standing Rock #NoDAPL

The protest over the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) has been ongoing for two years, but it only recently grabbed media attention. If you’re like many I know, you’re concerned about the protests, but you’re not really sure about the details and how we got to this situation. If the DAPL is built, the 1,172-mile pipeline… Continue Reading #GivingTuesday: Standing with Standing Rock #NoDAPL

doitforthelove foundation
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Giving Back this Holiday Season: Do It For The Love Foundation

“I wanted to pass along the name of a group that I have been supporting the last few years. Michael Franti and his wife started the Do it for the Love Foundation in 2013 to provide live music experiences for people who are sick, veterans, and children facing all kinds of challenges. The list of… Continue Reading Giving Back this Holiday Season: Do It For The Love Foundation

Ways to Donate Anonymously and maintain privacy

Ask Allie: Ways to Donate Anonymously

“I am intensely private and don’t want organizations to capture any information about me. I currently give locally in ways I feel safe and confident my money/gifts will be used appropriately. Due to recent events I am interested in giving to organizations that empower women. It seems, however, that there is some controversy surrounding practices… Continue Reading Ask Allie: Ways to Donate Anonymously

Luke's Wings

Giving Back this Holiday Season: Luke’s Wings

To start this weekly series through the holiday season, it makes sense to have the Sunday after Veterans Day be dedicated to Luke’s Wings. Luke’s Wings is an organization my family and I have been supporting since we learned about it this January. A portion of the money made from Wardrobe Oxygen supports Luke’s Wings… Continue Reading Giving Back this Holiday Season: Luke’s Wings