BlogHer 2015 Conference: What I Wore
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BlogHer 2015 Conference: What I Wore

While I plan to share a complete recap of the conference, first and foremost we have to talk clothes, right? I spent some time before heading to BlogHer looking for blog posts about what people packed and wore to the conference and while hundreds of people attend every year few seem to really delve into… Continue Reading BlogHer 2015 Conference: What I Wore

Close-up of Goodale Parking Garage

Planning a Summer Getaway to Columbus, Ohio

Most summers, my husband and I take a couple’s vacation to a music festival. These are long weekends where we get to enjoy our shared passion of music and have an extended Date Night. After many years going to Bonnaroo, we switched to the Forecastle Music Festival in Louisville, Kentucky. A smaller fest, it’s also… Continue Reading Planning a Summer Getaway to Columbus, Ohio

#WO2turns10: Celebrating Wardrobe Oxygen’s 10th Anniversary

Yeah, this pretty much sums up how I felt last Thursday evening. I was famous for being a quitter. When the going gets tough, I was known to cave. The main reason I got mediocre grades in school wasn’t because I didn’t understand but because I’d get overwhelmed by assignments and just not turn them… Continue Reading #WO2turns10: Celebrating Wardrobe Oxygen’s 10th Anniversary

Blog Formats and Features and Their Purposes

Blog Formats and Features and Their Purposes

It’s easy as a blogger to think the majority of your audience is either in your field of work (PR, social media, blogging), or very familiar with the business of blogging. But the thing is, even though the majority of comments may come from those in your field, the majority of those reading quietly don’t… Continue Reading Blog Formats and Features and Their Purposes


For a long time I refused to use the word fat. I was soft, I was curvy, but I felt by saying fat I was calling myself a bad name. But what is that extra softness made from? It’s not fairy dust or feathers. It’s fat, plain and simple. Lately it seems that everyone is… Continue Reading Fat