#ShareTheGood with Goodwill Industries Week

#ShareTheGood with Goodwill Industries Week

I’m taking a break from outfits and Ask Allie advice posts for a little PSA. This week is Goodwill Industries Week; not only that this year Goodwill of Greater Washington is celebrating its 80th anniversary serving the DC area community. For those who have been reading Wardrobe Oxygen for a while you know Goodwill is… Continue Reading #ShareTheGood with Goodwill Industries Week


The Girl on the Train, Blogging, and the Whole Story

I heard about The Girl on the Train on NPR; I caught the last bit of an interview with the author Paula Hawkins and was interested. I had finished the second book in the Outlander series and was looking for a change of pace before I delved into the third. I listened to The Girl… Continue Reading The Girl on the Train, Blogging, and the Whole Story