Family Road Trip: Columbus, Ohio and St. Louis, Missouri

Family Road Trip: Columbus, Ohio and St. Louis, Missouri

When planning our two-week road trip around the United States, we used Karl’s dad’s road trip as a guide but also dropped in a few locations we loved or always wanted to see. Last summer, Karl and I had the opportunity to enjoy a couple’s getaway in Columbus, Ohio and we loved the city. We… Continue Reading Family Road Trip: Columbus, Ohio and St. Louis, Missouri

Fuji Film INSTAX Mini Camera Review

Visiting St. Louis with the Fuji Film INSTAX Mini Camera

When we decided to take our cross-country trip this summer, we knew we had to bring our cameras to document this epic experience! When Fujifilm offered me the opportunity to try out their INSTAX Mini 70 Instant Camera I KNEW it had to go with us on our journey! While Karl and I took our… Continue Reading Visiting St. Louis with the Fuji Film INSTAX Mini Camera

Three-Day Trip to California
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Three-Day Trip to California – What I Packed and Wore

If you follow me on Snapchat (wardrobeoxygen), you know last week I went to California for a couple days. I was invited to be part of a project, and I’ll be sure to share it when it’s finished! But in the meantime… what I packed. While I knew for two days I’d be at the… Continue Reading Three-Day Trip to California – What I Packed and Wore

Close-up of Goodale Parking Garage

Planning a Summer Getaway to Columbus, Ohio

Most summers, my husband and I take a couple’s vacation to a music festival. These are long weekends where we get to enjoy our shared passion of music and have an extended Date Night. After many years going to Bonnaroo, we switched to the Forecastle Music Festival in Louisville, Kentucky. A smaller fest, it’s also… Continue Reading Planning a Summer Getaway to Columbus, Ohio