Lost in Translation

Some outfits are lost in translation, especially when it's a rainy day and you have to take your pictures inside and a wet dog decides to shake out her fur on you as soon as she comes in and you chase her down with a towel and she heads into the dining room but as soon as the camera starts going she decides to run into the picture and a four year old runs after her and a light bulb blows as a flash goes off and… well there's always a story behind a photo shoot and this morning's shoot was harried, ridiculous, and honestly these were the very best photos where I didn't have a completely exasperated face, a bit of a blonde tail or a blondish-brownish head or a mud puddle. But in real life, the outfit's far cuter.
And the outfit started with NYDJ Haydens and new heels and it just felt wrong. Switched to boyfriend jeans and these phenomenal shoes from Naturalizer and it seemed too exposed for a rainy gross day. So I just went with an old standby, my Tahari Hazels and favorite comfy black pumps. This shirt is still too boxy and strange (and the collar seemed to pop during all the commotion), still on the lookout for a replacement…
I love the simplicity of this outfit!
Ha, ha!! This made me laugh, mostly because I can completely relate!!!
As for your outfit, I love it! I absolutely love menswear inspired looks on women. I think it’s the mix of masculine and feminine that make such looks very stylish and sexy, in my opinion.
Ah you have the wonderful gift of laughing at life! And you look pretty darn fantastic, despite the hectic-ity : >
Omg! Your day started out like mine! There must be something going around in the fashion blogosphere. I fully empathize but at least you look fabulous and gorgeous and happy in your shots!
Any chance of an ascot tying tutorial or a link where I can find one? While we’re talking about neck ware inherited from our Dads, I’d like to ask you advice about wearing a scarf that was my Dad’s. This scarf is really old, maybe 100 years.
I’m not young and my Dad was 60 when I was born. 60 is pretty old for a first time Dad! Also, I don’t know how long this scarf has been in my family. Dad might have inherited it from his Dad. Anyway, I will describe it, and perhaps you can suggest some outfits that would highlight it.
It is a rectangle, 17″ x 40″ in cream colored silk. Our family name initial is embroidered in black and cream thread. The embroidery shows incredibly fine skill. The stitches are tiny, uniform, perfect. The font and the design is definitely Art Nouveau. I don’t think that Art Nouveau was in widespread use much after the 19 teens. That’s how I’m dating the scarf. It’s beautiful and delicate. Yet at the same time it must be tough or it wouldn’t have lasted so long in such good condition. I know it has traveled all over the US and probably to Europe also.
So, what do you think? Ideas? I have not ever worn it because I don’t know what to do with it and I don’t want to damage it. My Dad died when I was younger than Em, but the memories I have of him are wonderful. I would like to honor him by wearing his scarf.
Thank you!
Well for this ascot, I just tied it once, pretty much folding one side over, and then I hid a safety pin in the back to keep it from untying. Not too fancy. I honestly don’t know how to tie an ascot, I’ve just been tinkering around with them. ๐
As for that scarf which sounds AMAZING, I’d grab one end so it’s on the bias and toss around the neck so the embroidery is in the very front and the tail over your shoulder, like a pilot. You could even hide a pin underneath or use a brooch at the cross of the scarf to hold it in place (very thin pin so it doesn’t hurt the silk) since there may not be enough to tie it. Also you could tuck it into a neckline – a collared or v-neck shirt, just have it cross in the center and blouse out a bit. If you have a dress with a belt, you could loosely tie it to the belt off the side so it’s like a hip decoration, hanging down like a tassel.
I love your ideas Allie. Thank you so much. I am excited about wearing the scarf, now that I know what to do with it.
Some days are like that – thankfully not all – you look great. I love how you make the front shirt tie seem so easy ๐
This morning I felt so *done* with my wardrobe and I thought to myself “Oh, Ali does that thing with the shirt and the knot at the waist. I bet I could do that.” So I stole one of my husband’s shirts (I have yet to find a white shirt I that fits and isn’t completely transparent). I have received tons of compliments too. Looks like I was *really* channeling you!
Love it!!!