Mini Me
I bought a knit biker jacket from Gap last fall; when I saw they had a similar version for kids, I just had to get one!
Hope you all have a great weekend!
I bought a knit biker jacket from Gap last fall; when I saw they had a similar version for kids, I just had to get one!
Hope you all have a great weekend!
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Hi Allie, I love your blog! Have you ever thought of doing a link-up post every week? Iโd love to know what you read online through the week I bet itโs very inspiring! I love your website! I am however, having a little difficulty doing searches in finding recommended clothing and accessories links. Have you… Continue Reading Ask Allie: Questions About Wardrobe Oxygen
Fall has finally hit in the DC area and it’s straight up cold. It was literally 90 degrees one day last week so it’s hard to accept we’re in the season for coats and boots. We pulled out all of Emerson’s winter clothes and also received a Stitch Fix box for her that has some… Continue Reading Weekend Reads #25
Weekend Reads It’s the most wonderful time of the year… it’s when NPR brings out their Best Songs of the Year list! (NPR) I usually hate these articles that just paraphrase Twitter discussions, but this one is actually interesting and I hope it is spread far and wide to doctors: A gynecologist asked women how… Continue Reading Weekend Reads #180
Folks are all up in arms because Instagram has come out with a few “heartfelt” videos lately sharing how the platform is changing and how they supposedly still respect photographs which is what the platform was made for originally. But really what Adam Mosseri said is Instagram is going to turn everything into a Reel… Continue Reading Little Ditty About Instagram, A Predatory Social App in the Heartland
Weekend Reads I was seriously obsessed with Sinead O’Connor as a high schooler and kept my obsession under wraps after the SNL experience. I often think how different that moment would have been taken in current times. Loved reading about O’Connor now and how positively she took being “canceled” back then. (New York Times) Flint… Continue Reading Weekend Reads #153
It’s very easy when you work from home and work for yourself to feel isolated and turn that isolation into anger, jealousy, paranoia, and frustration. I’ve been down about the whole influencer world. So much fakeness, so much deception, so much competition. It’s hard to find peers to trust and bounce ideas off. I miss… Continue Reading Weekend Reads #44