My Wardrobe Today – Saturday Night

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Black matte jersey dress – Eliza J
Black tights – Nordstrom
Black Mary Janes with red heels – Nine West
Bracelet – J. Crew
Earrings – old (from 1993 – is that considered vintage?)
Black broadtail lamb coat – Vintage

Do you remember this dress?  If you do, I am impressed for I did not.  I can't believe I have only worn this dress one other time.  I was trying to figure out what to wear, and came upon this dress in my closet.  I seriously own a lot of black matte jersey dresses and it got lost in the shuffle.  Expect to see me wearing it more often because it's a fab dress and so comfortable!

The earrings are from 1993.  I bought them to wear to my senior prom.  Then last minute I changed my mind about the dress and didn't wear the earrings.  I wore the earrings once in college with that discarded prom dress – this time to a fraternity formal.  I don't know if I have ever worn the earrings since.  However they are cute so I held on to them. I always keep accessories that are in good condition – they come in and out of vogue, take little space, and can really come in handy a decade or two later!

As for the coat, longtime readers may remember it.  My semi-grandmother gave me this coat in high school, I believe she got it from an estate sale.  The coat is almost 100 years old.  I don't believe in purchasing fur, but as that this is vintage and has sentimental value to me, I think it's okay.  Better to wear and honor the lives of the animals than have it fill a landfill.

Saturday night was my friend A's party.  It was a really lovely time and I had a blast.  As you can see, Alfie wanted in on the fun.  And that thing on the floor behind me is a roll of backdrop paper for my husband's photo shoots.  You try to find an out of the way location for a 10′ tube. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Posing at the party with my party cracker crown

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Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters
Caring, sharing, every little thing that we are wearing (even when it's paper crowns!)

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Lots of love by the light of the menorah…

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Holiday Jello shots? Yes please!

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Me & my man (he had a blue crown BTW…)
A woman with curly hair wearing a plaid blazer holds a green fur coat over her shoulder on a city street.

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  1. Thanks Amy! And really, the best way to honor the animal who was sacrificed for a vintage coat is to wear it, not let it get dusty. Don’t want any more animals killed for fashion, but those who have already died – better to wear with respect! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Thanks Kathy! And that’s what attracted me to the dress – the sleeves are a flattering length – I don’t like having my pale soft upper arms out on display all the time, especially in the winter!

  3. The coat is fabulous, as is the dress. I like the dress because it has short sleeves, but not capped sleeves. I’m not a big fan of those. And your hair looks really great too. Excellent choice of clothing!

  4. Thanks Lisa! Maybe it’s the Christmas spirit, maybe it’s the bourbon & diet ginger that I was sipping before & after the pics before the party ๐Ÿ˜›

  5. Allie,

    There is just something about these photos of you. You look so beautiful and so happy. More so than normal everyday. There is just a certain sparkle in your eye. :o)


  6. Thanks Cynthia! I really try to take good care of the coat. The buttons have fallen off, but I have them in a little box on my dressing table. Some day I will get them reattached – afraid to DIY and harm the fur…

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